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Re: Webhook product/update not fired after variant's metafield is changed

Webhook product/update not fired after variant's metafield is changed

Shopify Partner
3 0 1


we have problem with product/update webhook which is not fired after variant's metafield is changed. 

webhook is fired after product update, variant update, also after product metafield change, but NOT after variant metafield change or creating new metafield for variant.


We are currecly downloading metafields through API, but it is very slow for many API requests. 1 per product, 1 for product metafields and 1 for each variant metafields.


We want to use product/update webhook with metafields_namespaces setting, but it is useless without fired webhook after variant metafield is changed. 


Is it bug or expected behavior? Or is there any other solution?


Thanks for reply.

Replies 12 (12)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
836 100 223

Hi @Tomas_Friedrich,


I just looked into the webhook not firing on variant metafield change, and I'm not 100% clear on the expected behaviour. Since the webhook fires on changes to the product metafield, I would expect the same behaviour to apply for variants. I'll raise this with our developers to clarify.


In the meantime, I have a few suggestions that should help. Even if you're able to use webhooks, I still suggest using one of these methods to run a job at least once a day to check for anything that may have been missed. Although webhooks are generally reliable, it's possible for a webhook not to deliver in cases of unexpected problems on Shopify's end or yours.


One alternative to the REST API is making your calls using GraphQL. Since GraphQL allows you to specify the individual fields you want in the response, you're able to retrieve a larger data set using few calls. The below call will allow you to retrieve the metafields for 10 products at a time:


  products(first: 10) {
    pageInfo {
    edges {
      node {
        variants(first: 10) {
          pageInfo {
          edges {
            node {
              privateMetafields(first: 3) {
                edges {
                  node {


The most efficient way to get this data is by using the [BulkOperations API](https://shopify.dev/tutorials/perform-bulk-operations-with-admin-api). This API will allow you to retrieve every variant metafield in a shop using only 2 calls, and the data is delivered in a flat JSONL. It works by taking in a regular graphQL query, with any fields related to pagination removed. Here's an example of a BulkOperation using the example query from above:


mutation {
   query: """
  products {
    edges {
      node {
        variants {
          edges {
            node {
              privateMetafields {
                edges {
                  node {
  ) {
    bulkOperation {
    userErrors {

JB | Solutions Engineer @ Shopify 
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Shopify Partner
3 0 3

Is there any update on this as I'm facing the same issue with products/update webhook not firing when a variant's metafield is changed or created.

Shopify Partner
161 2 51

Same here.

This issue has been going on for years actually, but it'd be great if this could be fixed

3 0 4

Is there any news?

This would be extremely useful and a more consistent behaviour.

1 0 0

Are there any updates about the issue with products/update webhook not firing when a variant's metafield is changed or created. I've faced with the same problem.

Shopify Partner
11207 226 2317

This is expected behaviour so there's nothing to fix.
A metafield is not part of a product or variant - it's an attached resource that sits outside of those objects. So if updated, the product or variant itself doesn't change.

★ I jump on these forums in my free time to help and share some insights. Not looking to be hired, and not looking for work. http://freakdesign.com.au ★
3 0 4

Jason, you completely missed the point.

What's important here is to be able to capture the event of a variant metafield change, no one cares if it the product or variant should change.

Currently, adding or editing product metafields will fire a product/update webhoook (have you read the post?).

OP is asking for a solution, not uninterested replies.

Shopify Partner
27 3 16

Hi @_JB !

Do you have any update on this? 🙂 I'm having this issue currently on a dev store.

The issue I'm having is that a third party is updating the metafield and I currently have no way of tracking that change. Otherwise your workaround would be fine.


Shopify Partner
16 1 37

Confirmed that this is still not working when the change came from the Admin REST API. 🫤

Shopify Partner
10 0 9

I also struggled with that issue. products/update webhook didn't fired when creating/updating variant's metafields.

It would be great if this issue will fix soon 🙂

Flash Search - AI-powered Search & Filter, Merchandising, Analytics, Support OS 2.
Shopify Partner
77 0 25

This appears to be working, in my tests - creating a metafield (via the productVariantUpdate GraphQL mutation) is triggering products/update. Can anyone else confirm?

I made Locksmith and Mechanic. 🙂
Shopify Partner
5 0 5

Yes, confirmed, productVariantUpdate GraphQL mutation does trigger a webhook for metafield updates. Also, collectionUpdate does the same

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