Discuss all the new features introduced with the new product model in GraphQL.
Hi, I wanted to get the translated Name of a productvariant using the 2024-04 version of the GraphQL api, so I used this request:
productVariants(first: 1, query: "updated_at:>'2023-10-31T13:30:24Z'") {
nodes {
product {
translations(locale: "en") {
translations(locale: "en") {
And when a variant has more than one option, the first one is not returned, as shown in the images below.
And I don't know why, but I have an HTML element returned to the value of the product title translation.
I don't know if it's a user problem or if it's coming from your side?
I also wanted to know if there was any way to get all the translations of a product variant, or at least do something like this:
translations(locale: "en AND fr") {
Can someone from Shopify confirm that this is a bug ?