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Re: App Proxy Broken with XML files? Urgent

App Proxy Broken with XML files? Urgent

Shopify Partner
113 3 44

Hi, I have an app proxy set up to redirect to xml files. I get a cryptic ASP.net error even though the xml is working fine on my server:

1) FROM SHOP: https://leisure-38.myshopify.com/apps/seo-images-sitemaps/leisure-38.myshopify.com/images-sitemap.xm... (SHOWS ERROR)

2) FROM SERVER: https://seoimages.sonshaw.com/sitemaps/leisure-38.myshopify.com/images-sitemap.xml (WORKS FINE)

3) APP PROXY: apps/seo-images-sitemaps/

4) CRYPTIC ERROR MESSAGE: error on line 1 at column 2: StartTag: invalid element name

Can you please look into this asap? I need this working immediately...

Replies 6 (6)

Shopify Partner
11207 226 2317

Look at the actual source of the page you're linking to. It's not an xml file and that's why your browser would be showing an error.

The page that is loading in your first link is a 404 page. I suspect your proxy isn't set up correctly.

★ I jump on these forums in my free time to help and share some insights. Not looking to be hired, and not looking for work. http://freakdesign.com.au ★

Shopify Partner
113 3 44

Shopify Partner
113 3 44

Hi Jason, here's a screenshot of my app proxy settings. What do you think is wrong with them?




Shopify Partner
113 3 44

Shopify Partner
11207 226 2317

The error is from your browser since the extension doesn't match what it's trying to parse (being xml, but it's totally not xml).

I question why you are using myshopify.com in your own path - that feels weird and could see how internal routing might be effected. Total conjecture of course. I would use a differ subfolder that removes the myshopify.com path you're adding on your server and test again. If that still fails, it's still likely do with your set up but it gets a step closer.

★ I jump on these forums in my free time to help and share some insights. Not looking to be hired, and not looking for work. http://freakdesign.com.au ★

Shopify Partner
113 3 44

Jason, I think you are using a lot of words, but I don't think you are actually saying anything.

Whats wrong with the XML?

Whats wrong with having the myshopify in the url? 

Did you see my example with the PHP vs. the XML extension? Does that prove anything?