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Banner above footer

Banner above footer

New Member
6 0 0

Hey guys,

I'd like to recreate a banner above the footer similar to this


How would I go about doing this?



Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
1106 101 226


Hope you'll be doing great!

Is the site yours in the image? Do you want to move the banner above the footer or create a new one? Also, would you mind sharing your store URL so I can take a closer look?

New Member
6 0 0

No my site is https://babazoo-republic.myshopify.com/ password piheub (You might have to close the banner to see the Enter Password section)

Yes I would like it to sit above the footer on every single page of the website.

Thank you!

Shopify Partner
1106 101 226


I thought you already have the banner somewhere on your page and you want to move it just above the footer but now I see you want to completely design the footer. So I want to ask how experienced are you with code? If you are not you can contact me to design it for you. 

Best of luck with your startup!

New Member
6 0 0

I have basic knowledge but nothing too crazy how would I go about doing that