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Cant remove the white background on my product images to match the background color

Cant remove the white background on my product images to match the background color

5 0 1

I have been trying to remove the white background of the images to match the background color. I have researched some options (code) and none have seemed to work.

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
98 8 11

You can upload your image to this website  which will remove the background from your image
Afterward you can replace the background with your original image
Additionally you can try making the background transparent using CSS

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5 0 1
How do I make the background transparent using CSS?

Shopify Partner
98 8 11

To make the background transparent using CSS you can apply the following code to your image or its container

.your-image-class {
    background-color: transparent;

Building 100 Shopify apps for that BMW M5 dream

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