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Re: Cart attributes suddenly stopped being passed through to orders

Cart attributes suddenly stopped being passed through to orders

Shopify Partner
3 0 6

Hi, since Tuesday evening (approx 7pm GMT) our method of passing cart attributes from our cart form into orders has suddenly stopped working.
We have not changed code on this page (or elsewhere) at this time.

We are following the instructions correctly according to this: https://shopify.dev/themes/architecture/templates/cart#cart-attributes

I can see in our dev tools, that the hidden fields are picking up the values from cart page correctly, but they are not getting passed through to the orders.

Is there anything that could have changed on the server side to have affected this? It's very strange that this has suddenly stopped working.

It is having a major effect on our operations, as the information that was passed through is vital for our fulfilment and finance operations to function.

Replies 9 (9)

Shopify Partner
3 0 6

We still do not have a resolution on this, but have found that it only affects the live theme 'slot' on our store. 
We have:

  • Duplicated the live theme, and done a test order on the preview theme. The cart attributes DO get carried through to orders correctly on the duplicate theme.
  • We have published the duplicated theme to the live slot. When the theme is published the cart attributes do NOT get carried through correctly.
  • We have done a test order using the unpublished theme that was previously live. The cart attributes DO get carried through correctly.

So the issue cannot be anything to do with the theme code itself, it is just whether it is published as live or not.


We've been trying to find differences between the two, and can see that in both instances – live and preview – on the cart form submission, the cart attributes are sent correctly in the form submission payload.


We can also see on the first user interaction with the checkout page a GraphQL request is sent to `/checkouts/unstable/graphql`.

On the preview theme in the payload, the cart attributes are still there.

On the live theme in the payload, the cart attributes array is empty.

I am attaching screengrabs of the differences we see in dev tools between the live theme and the preview theme.


There must be something happening between the cart form submission and the checkout page, or on the checkout page itself.


As we are on Shopify Advanced we do not have any control over this stage of the purchase process, and this is completely controlled by Shopify, However we are not getting any response as to why this is happening.

26 0 4

Did you ever find a solution to this? We are experiencing the same thing for over a week and are at a total loss!

4 0 1

Experiencing the same issue in our store after July 20th, 2023.
After the date, some reservations are coming in empty on these custom attributes all of a sudden.
No code changes have been done on our end since June 29th, 2023.

We are seeing multiple reports from different sources with the same issue online on different dates since last year, has anyone gotten any replies from Shopify about it?

26 0 4

We had minor issues prior to July 20th, but around that same date is when we saw a major reversal with about 90% of orders missing attributes. I did reach out to Shopify support---but was told it was the Giftship app I use. The developers of the app are "positive" it's not them and I have deleted extra unnecessary code, uninstalled another app----and am still having issues. It is horrible!

Shopify Partner
13 1 4

Same issue since 20th July! Have you managed to resolve it?

26 0 4

We are pretty certain we resolved this based on feedback from another Shopify user. This is the information they sent me that resolved the problem for them, and we have our developer implement it. We are at a week, with 100% of our cart attributes feeding though again!


“there was a form field for the qty update that was causing an issue. It was always posting the note/date to the cart form, and I could see that, but it wasn't being saved by Shopify.
When I disable the input field on qty it doesn't get passed in the form, and then it seems to me like it's now saving.
The user can still add/remove items with the + and -.”
Also, we found this infromation about a Shopify Ajax API change around the date all of us started having issues: 
Good luck!
Shopify Partner
13 1 4

Thank you for your reply. 
The Shopify AJAX API doesn't seem to me as something related to the issue but obviously, they could have released something else silently at that time which had affected us. 
Also, the quantity field issue fixed by your dev does sound like it was actually a theme-related issue in your case whereas the original issue mentioned by the topic starter is definitely an issue caused by Shopify.

26 0 4

Yea, I beleive you are correct on all of those.


However, the issue was minimal to non-existent prior to early to mid-July and we have had the same theme since April 2020, and had made no other website changes in recent months. So something had to change, and this was the solution so it may be helpful to someone else searching for problems with Cart Attributes. Good luck!

3 0 2

Hi there,


So, does it work correctly nowadays?

It's seems it's the only "bridge" to pass data into orders.