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Changing to Shopify 2.0 Theme- Filtering by Tags

Changing to Shopify 2.0 Theme- Filtering by Tags

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we are currently in the process to change our shop from the impulse theme 4.1.2 to the impulse 5.5.1 on shopify 2.0. As of now we used product tags to filter our products by things like materials e.g. copper, porcelain, wood and so on. The impulse theme 5.5.1 does not allow to filtering based on tags. We would need to have these filtering options also in the new shop. I have never used metafields before and am a bit lost on how to recreate our current filtering system in shopify 2.0. Furthermore, we have more than 1000 articles in our shop, so a free option that does not include changing every article by hand would be very much appreciated. Any ides? 


Thank you so much!


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