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Re: Copy Product Tags to Metafield


Copy Product Tags to Metafield

14 1 6

I wish to upgrade my theme to a newer “online store 2.0” version. The only downside to store 2.0 for me is the current lack of filtering by product tags on the live site.


With 1800 products each with 2-5 tags that’s a lot of work and data that is valuable to the customer experience (e.g. some have product tags which identify products specific to a film)


Is there an app or something to copy product tags into a product metafield so they can be used in the new 2.0 filter?

Accepted Solution (1)
Shopify Partner
136 23 49

This is an accepted solution.

If you're is still looking to copy prefixed tags to metafields it's something you can do for free with our Ablestar Bulk Product Editor app with just a few clicks.


The app allows you to bulk edit metafields and has 'placeholders' which allow you to dynamically insert data from other parts of the product. You can use the 'SKU Suffix' placeholder to set a metafield to be the part of a tag after something like "brand="


Here's a quick video showing how it works:



The free plan of the app includes 5 free edits every 30 days with no limit on the number of products so that should be suitable for your needs if you just have a couple of tag types you need to move over.




Founder @ Ablestar ✦
Manage product data, spreadsheets, Google Shopping data, and metafields with Ablestar Bulk Product Editor. Use previews, undos, and automations to be confident your product data is correct.
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View solution in original post

Replies 15 (15)

4 0 3

We are having the exact same issue. Have 1600 wine products with tags and the tags drive the way the collections are automatically built and allow customers to filter in lots of ways. The extra problem is that the tags are generated by custom fields in Netsuite that we have integrated.

5 0 1

Does anyone have a solution to this? we are having the same issue!


14 1 6

No solution that I know of as yet. I have two sites, one of which I spent MANY hours inputting the metafield data manually. A lot of work but it does make for a very good filtering system so it is worth the effort. I’ll have to get to do it on my second site when I have some time!

10 0 2

I need to convert thousands of tags to metafield. For example tag "Category_Men" to metafield "Category" with value "Men". I have not found an answer yet.

3 0 1

We have the same problem. Found any solution yet?

14 1 6

No solution found.Just have to do it manually 😞

10 0 2

Do you still have the problem with converting tags to metafields? Is there a way how to convert tags like Color_Blue to metafileds in bulk? We have got more than 4000 products, each with 5+ tags. Thank you very much for suggestions!

Shopify Partner
136 23 49

This is an accepted solution.

If you're is still looking to copy prefixed tags to metafields it's something you can do for free with our Ablestar Bulk Product Editor app with just a few clicks.


The app allows you to bulk edit metafields and has 'placeholders' which allow you to dynamically insert data from other parts of the product. You can use the 'SKU Suffix' placeholder to set a metafield to be the part of a tag after something like "brand="


Here's a quick video showing how it works:



The free plan of the app includes 5 free edits every 30 days with no limit on the number of products so that should be suitable for your needs if you just have a couple of tag types you need to move over.




Founder @ Ablestar ✦
Manage product data, spreadsheets, Google Shopping data, and metafields with Ablestar Bulk Product Editor. Use previews, undos, and automations to be confident your product data is correct.
Please don't forget to Like and Mark Solution to the post that helped you. Thanks!
14 1 6

Thanks for the info on your app, Daniel. I've downloaded it and it has successfully bulk edited the metafields as I needed.

For reference for other users:
In the Ablestar app you can filter down all of your products by their existing 'tag', and then run a bulk update to apply a specific 'metafield' value to those products. You can only run 5 different updates per 30 days on the free plan. So if you had 50 tags to copy over to metafields it would take 10 months on the free plan! (or pay for the app to get unlimited edits)

Another solution -
Since the creation of this original question, Shopify has added a new option that simply displays all of your old tags within a filter in the store 2.0 metafield filters...
Go to Search & Discovery app > Filters > Edit Filters and click the "Tags (displayed as More filters)" option. This is not necessarily as flexible for the end-user as defining info in new filters properly but it does get the old Tag filters displayed on the new system in a couple of clicks.

Shopify Partner
64 0 21

Can you automate this, so that every time a new product with a prefixed tag is created the app automatically runs and inserts it into an appropriate meatfield?

Shopify Partner
136 23 49

The app does have a feature, "Automatic Product Rules" which make sure that products always match a certain condition. For example, you could make it so that any products with the price of 0 are automatically set to draft.


If you only had a couple prefixes for your tags (eg, size_ and color_) you could create a rule for each of those that would:

  • Look for products with a tag starting with size_
  • Add the value after "size_" to a metafield

The only limitation is that now you'd need to create a separate rule for size_* and color_* and if you have a lot of prefixes that would take some time.


If you'd like to talk more about the specific setup of your store we'd be happy to help, just send us a message at support@ablestar.com and mention this thread. Thanks!

Founder @ Ablestar ✦
Manage product data, spreadsheets, Google Shopping data, and metafields with Ablestar Bulk Product Editor. Use previews, undos, and automations to be confident your product data is correct.
Please don't forget to Like and Mark Solution to the post that helped you. Thanks!
Shopify Partner
64 0 21

Unfortunately, that feature requires a $ 50-per-month subscription. No, thanks. For a small business counting every penny, is not feasible. At that rate, I'd hire a developer and have this custom designed for my use case.

Shopify Partner
6 0 0

Hello 👋

It's Zack here from BigStart. We've just launched 🚀 an app called "CopyTag - Tags to Metafields" and it does exactly what you need. You can find it here: https://apps.shopify.com/copytag.


The app simply copies the tags you want to metafields. It can bulk copy tags with prefixes like "category: ". You can even group separate tags (exact or prefixed) into metafield groups.

Here is a quick preview of how it works:


In case you have any questions you can get in touch with us through our contact page: https://bigstart.io/contact/



8 0 1

I've just found out that this now also works with the Flow template "Convert tags with a prefix to a product metafield using the Run code action".

Then you don't even need an app 🙂

Shopify Partner
6 0 0

Sure, this works fine when you just need the metafields to be added on product creation. Or alternatively you can run it again manually so it copies the tags to metafields again when needed. However, it doesn't do this automatically. Also, when a tag is deleted the flow doesn't remove it from the metafields. In other words - it works fine in simple cases. For more complex situations an app might be needed.