A space to discuss online store customization, theme development, and Liquid templating.
Hi. Is this possible?
- Size Variants - for sold out sizes, keep the clickable action, but stylize it with a strikeout or make it grey (or anything else, so it looks different than available sizes)
- Sold out Button - remove hover to show that its not available (basically, have a diff effect to show it is different than available sizes)
Here is an example:
My website:
Thank you!
If there's an app to do this easily, I'm open to that too! Thanks.
Yes it is possible as per your requirement. But it will need some tweak changes in liquid code with CSS changes. If you are okay then can i send you a collaboration request to access the code editor?
Sounds good! Send me your email and then I will add you. Thank you!
Done, thanks!