A space to discuss online store customization, theme development, and Liquid templating.
There is one really good solution by @LitCommerce available but unfortunately the quality of the banner declines after implementing it. Does someone have a fix?
Hi @okw_mamba,
Can you describe it, I will help you check it
Hi @okw_mamba,
Go to sections > image-banner.liquid file and change code here:
Code for image 1:
srcset="{{ section.settings.image | img_url: 'master' }} {{ section.settings.image.width }}w"
src="{{ section.settings.image | img_url: 'master' }}"
alt="{{ section.settings.image.alt | escape }}"
width="{{ section.settings.image.width }}"
height="{{ section.settings.image.width | divided_by: section.settings.image.aspect_ratio }}"
{% if section.settings.image_2 != blank %}class="banner__media-image-half"{% endif %}
Code for image 2:
srcset="{{ section.settings.image_2 | img_url: 'master' }} {{ section.settings.image_2.width }}w"
src="{{ section.settings.image_2 | img_url: 'master' }}"
alt="{{ section.settings.image_2.alt | escape }}"
width="{{ section.settings.image_2.width }}"
height="{{ section.settings.image_2.width | divided_by: section.settings.image_2.aspect_ratio }}"
{% if section.settings.image != blank %}class="banner__media-image-half"{% endif %}
Hope it helps!
Hi, thanks for the code. Is that to be combined with the code from your previous answer?
Hi @okw_mamba,
Yes, it will combine with my previous answer.