A space to discuss online store customization, theme development, and Liquid templating.
Hello there,
We are developing a Shopify app. However our app is not designed for Shopify shops like trial store. So we are trying to restrict the trial stores from installing our app.
How can we detect a Shop is trial or not as soon as they click on Add app from the Shopify app store
and before they click on Install app (as shown below) ?
One more question:
Can someone place a real order in a Shopify trial store?
Any help would be appreciated
Even in a trial store one can buy app, so do a payment for an app.
But I do not think there is way of restricting a trial account from using a public app the same way as everyone else.
Appreciate your response.
It is not about "restricting", it is just that in our app, as soon as merchant presses "Add App", we want to be able to detect whether or not it is a Trial Store.
Currently, we are able to detect Trial Store only after the next step: "Approve Charges".
We are trying to figure out how to detect Trial Store immediately after the "Add App" button is submitted