A space to discuss online store customization, theme development, and Liquid templating.
Hi, most of our products have many options and variants people can choose from. We have 2 "options", a "style", and a "color" option. The "style" option - we would like that to just stay as words, however, the "colour" option, we would like to be able to add photos to show what colour they are (some of them have patterns, or are multicolour - so we have to have the photo option rather than just colour). It would be great if when the colour is selected, a border appears around it to show that it has been selected. We would like the name of the colour to show up somewhere on there too, after it's been selected, and obviously - have it show up on the basket page and on the order so that we can fulfil it. If anyone can help then I would be so grateful!
Thank you so much in advance 🙂
I just wrote a code to add a color swatch for Dawn Theme with multiple shapes to choose from. Its totally FREE and no APPS needed. Code and instructions are at the video description. You can specify the option_name