A space to discuss online store customization, theme development, and Liquid templating.
Hi! I tried downloading a theme from my old account and uploaded it into my new Shopify account. The theme looked totally different when I uploaded it. I was able to input the sections manually however 2 sections were not available. The "text columns with images" and "home-journey-section" Can anyone help me with this? Thank you!
@joanerosary ..
Add it manually in the customizer area.. home journey section is coming from where? It is from a customizer or code?
you need to add again if it is not showing.
Thank you for responding! I tried adding it in the customizer area but those sections don't show up or are not available when I try to add them.
I have to check the file structure for this.
Otherwise, you have to add a new section and copy the text as in the previous theme...
Yes If you have added a custom section? the add a new section in your new theme.
and select suitable and copy the content from the previous theme and paste here.
Yes I did but the section I need is not available in the new theme that I
uploaded [image: Screen Shot 2022-04-28 at 3.22.28 PM.png]
[image: Screen Shot 2022-04-28 at 3.22.41 PM.png]
Give the screenshot from the previous theme of the custom section you added.
You didn't duplicate your old theme? didn't you take backup?
If you open old account then you can see the previous theme
I have to analyze your both theme so that I can solve your issue.
I am not able too see the screenshot ?
Can you check my previous reply, I updated the screenshots. The old theme was duplicated then that's the theme file that I downloaded and uploaded to the new account.
Check your old theme (It should be there below the live theme in the old account )and customize it then you can see old content.
send me the screenshot of the old account theme admin panel.
This is what the website looks like
When I duplicated it, this is what it looked like.
Where can I see the admin panel?
Here is it from the previous acount
Click the customize button and check.
startup theme is your old theme?
Yes startup theme is my old theme. In the old account all sections are there. The only issue is that on the uploaded startup theme in the new account 2 sections are missing
as you said, Yes startup theme is my old theme. In the old account all sections are there,
click on customize and copy the content ok!
Check here
I was able to copy the contents of the sections. This is the screenshot from the old account
This one is from the new account already
As you can see in the previous account there are text columns with images and home-journey-section. But in the new account, those 2 sections are not there, when I try to add them it says no results found.
Yeah, there is a missing snipped code somewhere I need to check your store liquid files. It is time-consuming work. or ask your developer to fix it.
You can directly get connected with me via email.
we can discuss it there.
Sent you an email.
Also we can connect by What's App
The WhatsApp url is invalid. I can't connect to you.
Check PM.
For context, I did not create the previous theme. I just downloaded that
theme and uploaded it to a new account so I don't know how the previous developer did it.