A space to discuss online store customization, theme development, and Liquid templating.
hey guys i'm trying to add featured image for my blog articles using python api
something like this
img = shopify.Image(dict(article_id=83503120552))
above code clearly doesnt work, and i cant find any relevant topic from anywhere.
Im waiting for the same answer. I hope somebody can help us soon. Im using the below code and the article creates but without the image.
new_article = shopify.Article(
"blog_id": 84588953792,
"title": title,
"body_html": body_html,
"author": "hit-parader",
"image": {
"src": imageSRC,
"Alt": "image92"
"tags": tags })
Hello @ashensha90 and @joshbar ,
when i use Python Shopify SDK i do this:
import shopify
from dotenv import dotenv_values
config = dotenv_values("../.env.local")
PASSWORD = config.get('PASSWORD')
API_KEY = config.get('API_KEY')
API_SECRET = config.get('API_SECRET')
shop_url = config.get('shop_url')
api_version = config.get('api_version')
TARGET_BLOG = your_blog_id
new_session = shopify.Session(shop_url, api_version,PASSWORD)
new_article = shopify.Article()
new_article.blog_id = TARGET_BLOG
#for featured image
new_article.attributes['image'] = {'src': "your_cdn_image_url"}