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Re: Logging into newly created Staff Account: You are not authorized to edit themes on XXX.

Logging into newly created Staff Account: You are not authorized to edit themes on XXX.

Shopify Partner
25 2 5

Hey what's up,


My name is Noah and I'm currently building a Software that I'm planning to integrate with Shopify.
For that, I need to edit the theme code of a store to test a bit. And to test it out I wanted to serve a Shopify theme from my computer and got this error message: "You are not authorized to edit themes on noahsaasdevstore.myshopify.com."

Here is what I did:
1) Created a new development store on my partner account Logged in to that store using the Shopify CLI ("shopify login --store=....")
2) Initialized a new Theme on my computer locally using the Shopify CLI ("shopify theme init")
3) Edited the theme Tried to serve the theme using the Shopify CLI ("shopify theme serve") and then got this error: "You are not authorized to edit themes on XXX.myshopify.com."
4) So I created a staff account with the needed permissions.
5) And now in order to log into the staff account I wanted to log out of my current account in the Shopify CLI by typing "shopify logout".
6) When typing "shopify logout" I get the exact same error from above: "You are not authorized to edit themes on XXX.myshopify.com."

I don't really understand why I'm facing this issue. I'm not even trying to edit any theme. I'm just trying to log out so I can log into my newly created Staff Account.

I'm quite new to Shopify Development so I would really appreciate any kind of help on this issue : )

I already asked Partner Account Support and they referred me to this forum.


Looking forward to your replies.

Kind regards,

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
25 2 5

I dont know why and how but it automatically logged me out now and everything is working now.