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Metafield Description Single Product Page

Metafield Description Single Product Page

8 0 0

Good afternoon dear community,

I would like to add an extra description via Metafield like on the screenshot on the product page, but I fail.

I hope one of you can help me.


Bildschirmfoto 2022-09-19 um 15.10.25.png

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
252 20 35

Hi - Du meinst so wie hier? 


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> WhatsApp: https://zeep.ly/UJ0nE | Email: mluebcke@gmail.com
8 0 0


I didn't see anything comparable to the screenshot above on the store you sent me. I just can't manage to integrate a multi-line metafield on the product page.



Ich habe auf dem Shop, den du mir geschickt hast, nichts vergleichbares zu dem oberen Screenshot gesehen. Ich schaffe es einfach nicht ein Mehrzeiler Metafield auf die Produkt Seite zu integrieren.

Shopify Partner
252 20 35

Ah ok, sollen wir vielleicht ein kurzes Meeting machen?

> I hope you find my reply helpful. To let me know click on like!
> I'd love to help. Was your question answered? Mark it as an Accepted Solution
> WhatsApp: https://zeep.ly/UJ0nE | Email: mluebcke@gmail.com