A space to discuss online store customization, theme development, and Liquid templating.
I'm trying to add a custom <script> tag to the shop immediately when my app is installed but I'm having a hard time figuring out how. This simple task has proven quite difficult for me, being that this is my first Shopify React app.
My goals are:
1. Add custom script to the shop immediately when app is installed w/ scriptTagCreate
2. Use GraphQL mutations scriptTagCreate and scriptTagDelete w/ Shopify's Polaris's <SettingToggle> component
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Possibly send me some example code of what others have done?
I've built out all of my GraphQL queries and mutations w/ scriptTagCreate and scriptTagDelete already. Just need to figure out how to React them in..
Thanks for the help in advance! 😃
const QUERY_SCRIPTTAGS = gql` query { scriptTags(first: 5 ){ edges { node { id src displayScope } } } }`; const WRITE_SCRIPTTAGS = gql` mutation scriptTagCreate($input: ScriptTagInput!) { scriptTagCreate(input: $input) { userErrors { field message } scriptTag { src displayScope } } }`; /*********************************************************************************** { "input": { "src": "https://raw.githack.com/oneezy/add-script-tags/master/pages/script.js", "displayScope": "ONLINE_STORE" } } ************************************************************************************/ const DELETE_SCRIPTTAGS = gql` mutation scriptTagDelete($id: ID!) { scriptTagDelete(id: $id) { deletedScriptTagId userErrors { field message } } }`; /*********************************************************************************** { "id": "gid://shopify/ScriptTag/110762885208" } ************************************************************************************/
Hey @oneezy
Have you had a chance to look at this tutorial? --> https://developers.shopify.com/tutorials/build-a-shopify-app-with-node-and-react . It goes over how to build a Shopify app using Node.JS and React, and specifically provides an example on how you can make GraphQL queries and mutations through your app.
In short it recommends that you use a library like Apollo to build queries and mutations into your app. The Apollo client and its React components were designed to let you quickly build a React UI that fetches data with GraphQL. Apollo’s components handle complexities like storing low-level networking details and maintaining a local cache when working with an API. https://developers.shopify.com/tutorials/build-a-shopify-app-with-node-and-react/fetch-data-with-apo...
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
yes i've taken that tutorial. I actually ended up hiring a developer to help me on Fiverr.
could you please help me out. I'm also at the same point.
Guys, try use a script like this:
jQuery(document).ready(function() { $('body').prepend('<div class="header" id="myHeader"><h1> teste </h1></div>'); $('head').prepend('<style>.header { padding: 10px 16px; background: #555; color: #f1f1f1; } .content { padding: 16px; } .sticky { position: fixed; top: 0; width: 100%} .sticky + .content { padding-top: 102px; }</style>'); var header = document.getElementById("myHeader"); var sticky = header.offsetTop; window.onscroll = function() { if (window.pageYOffset > sticky) { header.classList.add("sticky"); } else { header.classList.remove("sticky"); } }; });
Maybe this will work. Try follow the mutation part in the tutorial with this code that a sent and I hope that works to you.
Best regards Lucas
@oneezy wrote:yes i've taken that tutorial. I actually ended up hiring a developer to help me on Fiverr.
Did you need to setup a database like MongoDB to toggle it? Or was just localstorage sufficient?
I'm having the same issue - do you have any code/examples you could share for how you got it to work? I'm finding the docs linked to be far too sparse.
Hello there,
i have the similar problem, too. I am new at react and i dont know how to use it on the right way, maybe some codes or some apps on github will help me, too.
So far I have confirmed that you can either do it via scriptTag mutation or REST API.
In the tutorial, they only make a POST request to create a billing plan with graphQL.
How does that apply to creating a POST request and creating scriptTag. Once the scriptTag is created how does one use that scriptTag to actually display it on the store-front when react Component state changes. You would need to have something like Redux on the front-end, no?
SHOPIFY, please STEP UP on this part as there is not enough documentation to learn how to do it.
Confirmation from stackoverflow about the ways you can inject js script
Tutorial that is mentioned above that DOES NOT cover adding JS script to store-front and explaining how to turn off the script if react-component state changes. We would APPRECIATE if such a tutorial was there! Thank you
Scarce example of how creating ScriptTag looks like. BUT HOW SHOULD I APPLY THIS INFO? Where should I input this info?
I have spoken to Shopify Reps and they sent me here, to community.shopify. But it seems nobody knows is able to JUST list the steps on how each part talks to each other.
Thank you to all who would like to spend some time on this thread and help out fellow beginner developers.
Here how to create a scriptTag mutation in GraphQL:
Agreed - I really think there needs to be better documentation on this. I was able to get it to work so I'll share here in case it helps someone else:
Some things about ScriptTags that weren't obvious to me but I think Shopify assumes is clear:
Here's my code, built off of the sample app from Shopify that inject a ScriptTag. I would prefer to do it from server.js but couldn't get that working. This is probably not the cleanest way to do it, but it works:
import { EmptyState, Layout, Page } from '@shopify/polaris';
import { ResourcePicker, TitleBar } from '@shopify/app-bridge-react';
import store from 'store-js';
import ResourceListWithProducts from '../components/ResourceList';
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
import { Mutation } from 'react-apollo';
const img = 'https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0757/9955/files/empty-state.svg';
mutation scriptTagCreate($input: ScriptTagInput!){
scriptTagCreate(input: $input) {
scriptTag {
userErrors {
class Index extends React.Component {
state = { open: false };
render() {
const emptyState = !store.get('ids');
let installScriptTag = !store.get('scripttag');
const productPageScriptTagInput = {
src: 'https://raw.githack.com/funnycat/test/master/productPageScriptTag.js',
displayScope: 'ONLINE_STORE',
return (
<Mutation mutation={CREATE_SCRIPTTAG}>
{createScriptTag =>
title="Sample App"
content: 'Select products',
onAction: () => this.setState({ open: true }),
}} />
onSelection={(resources) => {
const idsFromResources = resources.selection.map((product) => product.id);
this.setState({ open: false });
store.set('ids', idsFromResources);
const sc1 = createScriptTag({variables: { input: productPageScriptTagInput},});
store.set('productscripttag', sc1);
installScriptTag = false
onCancel={() => this.setState({ open: false })}
{emptyState ? (
heading="Discount your products temporarily"
content: 'Select products',
onAction: () => this.setState({ open: true }),
<p>Select products to change their price temporarily.</p>
) : (
<ResourceListWithProducts />
handleSelection = (resources) => {
const idsFromResources = resources.selection.map((product) => product.id);
this.setState({ open: false });
store.set('ids', idsFromResources);
export default Index;
You can also see the javascript for the script tag here: https://raw.githack.com/funnycat/test/master/productPageScriptTag.js
You can see the "requestPath" is how I'm reaching my own APIs through the app proxy. Hope this helps someone save many hours haha.
Hey Funnycat!
Thanks for a great answer and sharing your code with us.
Could you show exactly on your store-front what is this code doing?
Would you be able to walk me through how could I inject this code into product.template.liquid on app install?
My ScriptTag code does something like the following:
Since my app is still very close to the app in this tutorial: https://shopify.dev/tutorials/build-a-shopify-app-with-node-and-react - you could basically clone the tutorial, then add the code I posted into index.js and replace the link with the link to your linked code. It's not exactly doing the injection on app install (I couldn't get that working) but it checks to see if it's ever been done, and does it once when the user selects products.
Hope this helps!
@funnycat i can see the shopify app tutorial link has been changed can you suggest the right tutorial or guide.