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New Shopify APP returns 500 server error right after install on test devstore

New Shopify APP returns 500 server error right after install on test devstore

Shopify Partner
1 0 0


I have successfully deployed to Heroku a newly created and almost empty shopify App. 

When installing it to a test devstore, I get the rails 5OO error screen embedded on the admin panel. 
I have absolutely no info in my logs. 
I have tried the following : 

  1. Checked all redirect urls
  2. Checked production env variables
  3. Checked shopify.app.toml file
  4. Checked server logs & chrome devtools logs with 'preserve log' option
  5. Tried in private mode + other network + other browser

Any kind of help would be appreciated ! 
Thanks !!


Screenshot 2023-11-24 at 12.09.47.png

Reply 1 (1)

Community Manager
3108 344 904

Hi Pur100,


Here are a few things you can try:

  1. Check Heroku Logs: You can use the command heroku logs --tail in your terminal to see real-time logs for your app. This may provide more information about the error you're encountering.

  2. Check Database: If your app uses a database, ensure that it is properly set up and connected. Errors can often occur from a misconfigured database.

  3. Check Heroku Dynos: Ensure that at least one dyno is. You can check this in your Heroku dashboard or with the heroku ps command.

  4. Check App Dependencies: Ensure all your app's dependencies are included in the Gemfile and installed via bundle install.

  5. Check for Asset Compilation Issues: If your app uses assets (such as JavaScript or CSS files), ensure they're being compiled correctly during the deployment process.

  6. Try Running Locally in Production Mode: Attempt to replicate the production environment locally by running RAILS_ENV=production rails server. This may help to identify any configuration issues specific to the production environment.

Try the above and let us know if you're still seeing issues.

Liam | Developer Advocate @ Shopify 
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