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Product Images Shopify Dawn

Product Images Shopify Dawn

10 0 2

Hey there!

There is an empty space between the product image and the product title. Other themes have here product images, is it possible to have the same in Dawn?

1. My Store (Dawn)

Bildschirmfoto 2021-10-05 um 19.22.01.png


is it possible to reduce the empty space or to have product image icons there?


Thank you!



Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
3571 638 931

Hi @ip93 

Would you mind sharing your store's URL so we can have a look at that? Cheers!

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Shopify Partner
3571 638 931

Hi @ip93 

You can add the following code at the end of your base.css file and that should do it:

button.button.button--full-width.product__xr-button {
    display: none;


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10 0 2

Hey there!


Thanks for the answer.

I want image thumbnails under the product pictures does this code change this?


Thank you!