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Programmatically change logo file periodically

Programmatically change logo file periodically

Shopify Partner
77 2 9

I just need some preliminary idea on how to programmatically change the logo of the site. For example, I want the site to change the logo of the site to a different one designed for Christmas. Once the Christmas is over, I want it to revert to the normal one. I don’t want to do it manually. We have had a cron job in our Magento site that would update the logo programmatically throughout the year. We now moved to Shopify.


I want to implement what the logo updater script below does in Shopify.


require_once 'includes/poms_config.php';
require_once 'poms/classes/db_mysql.php';
require_once 'includes/common_functions.php';
require_once 'libs/phpfastcache_config.php';
require_once 'includes/advanced_functions.php';
require_once "includes/autoload.php";

// Instantiate a database object/connection.
$dbh = new DB_Sql;		// Database handle.

// the image files are in public_html\utility\images AND THEY ARE NOT IN git
// switches the header logo on appropriate dates
$path = LUXE_HOME_ABSOLUTE_PATH . 'pub/media/logo/stores/1';

// Current file is one level below public_html
// the above was correct when it used realpath - realpath removes the final slash.

$today = date("md");
$currentYear = date("Y");
$day_of = "";

//  ----------------  changing-date holidays ------------------
// 3 weeks before Easter
$b4_easter = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y z', date("Y") . " " . strval(intval(date("z", easter_date())) - 21))->format('md');
if ($b4_easter <= "0318") {
	// prevents easter logo appearing before St. Patrick's day
	$b4_easter = "0319";

// Day after easter
function get_easter_datetime($year)
	$base = new DateTime("$year-03-21");
	$days = easter_days($year);

	return $base->add(new DateInterval("P{$days}D"));
$easter = str_pad(intval(date("md", easter_date())) + 1, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
//$easter_day = date('l, F j\<\s\u\p\>S\<\/\s\u\p\>',easter_date($currentYear));
$easter_day = get_easter_datetime($currentYear)->format('l, F j\<\s\u\p\>S\<\/\s\u\p\>');

// 3 weeks before Mother's Day
$b4_mothers = date('md', strtotime("-21 days second sunday of may $currentYear"));
$mothers = date('md', strtotime("+1 day second sunday of may $currentYear"));
$mothers_day = date('l, F j\<\s\u\p\>S\<\/\s\u\p\>', strtotime("second sunday of may $currentYear"));

// 2 weeks before Memorial Day - last Monday in May
$b4_memorial = date('md', strtotime("-14 days last monday of may $currentYear"));

if ($b4_memorial == $mothers) {
	$b4_memorial = str_pad(intval($b4_memorial) + 1, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); // prevents overlap
$memorial = date('md', strtotime("+1 day last monday of may $currentYear"));
$memorial_day = date('l, F j\<\s\u\p\>S\<\/\s\u\p\>', strtotime("last monday of may $currentYear"));

// 18 days before Father's Day - 3rd Sunday in June
$b4_fathers = date('md', strtotime("-18 days third sunday of june $currentYear"));
if ($b4_fathers == $memorial) {
	$b4_fathers = str_pad(intval($b4_fathers) + 1, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); // prevents overlap
$fathers = date('md', strtotime("+1 days third sunday of june $currentYear"));
$fathers_day = date('l, F j\<\s\u\p\>S\<\/\s\u\p\>', strtotime("third sunday of june $currentYear"));

// 14 days before Labor Day  - 1st Monday in September
$b4_labor = date('md', strtotime("-14 days first monday of september $currentYear"));
$labor = date('md', strtotime("+1 days first monday of september $currentYear"));
$labor_day = date('l, F j\<\s\u\p\>S\<\/\s\u\p\>', strtotime("first monday of september $currentYear"));

// 3 weeks before Thanksgiving
$b4_thanksgiving = date('md', strtotime("-21 days fourth thursday of november $currentYear"));
$thanksgiving = date('md', strtotime("+1 day fourth thursday of november $currentYear"));
$thanksgiving_day = date('l, F j\<\s\u\p\>S\<\/\s\u\p\>', strtotime("fourth thursday of november $currentYear"));

// Black Friday Weekend - Friday, Saturday, Sunday
$b4_black_friday = date('md', strtotime("fourth friday of november $currentYear"));
$black_friday = date('md', strtotime("+3 day fourth friday of november $currentYear"));
$black_friday_day = date('l, F j\<\s\u\p\>S\<\/\s\u\p\>', strtotime("fourth friday of november $currentYear"));

// Cyber Monday
$b4_cyber_monday = date('md', strtotime("+4 day fourth thursday of november $currentYear"));
$cyber_monday = date('md', strtotime("+5 day fourth thursday of november $currentYear"));  // sometimes there's not a Monday in November after Thanksgiving
$cyber_monday_day = date('l, F j\<\s\u\p\>S\<\/\s\u\p\>', strtotime("+4 day fourth thursday of november $currentYear"));

//  ----------------  end changing-date holidays ---------------

//print("b4_easter = $b4_easter, easter = $easter, b4_mothers = $b4_mothers, mothers = $mothers, b4_memorial = $b4_memorial, memorial = $memorial, b4_fathers = $b4_fathers, fathers = $fathers, b4_labor = $b4_labor, labor = $labor, b4_thanksgiving = $b4_thanksgiving, thanksgiving = $thanksgiving, before_blackfriday = $b4_black_friday, black_friday = $black_friday, today = $today<br>");

$source_file = "";          // By default, no file to be copied. Leave things as is.

switch ($today) {
	case "0102":
	case "0124":
		$source_file = "logoVALENTINE.png";
		$day_of = date('l, F j\<\s\u\p\>S\<\/\s\u\p\>', strtotime("02/14/" . $currentYear));
	case "0215":
	case "0303":
		$source_file = "logoSTPATRICKS.png";
		$day_of = date('l, F j\<\s\u\p\>S\<\/\s\u\p\>', strtotime("03/17/" . $currentYear));
	case "0318":
	case $b4_easter:
		$source_file = "logoEASTER.png";
		$day_of = $easter_day;
	case $easter:
	case "0331":
		$source_file = "logoAPRILFOOL.png";
		$day_of = date('l, F j\<\s\u\p\>S\<\/\s\u\p\>', strtotime("04/01/" . $currentYear));
	case "0402":
		if ($easter > "0402") {
			$source_file = "logoEASTER.png";  // puts Easter logo back if Easter falls in April
			$day_of = date('l, F j\<\s\u\p\>S\<\/\s\u\p\>', easter_date());
		} else {
	case $b4_mothers:
		$source_file = "logoMOTHERS.png";
		$day_of = $mothers_day;
	case $mothers:
	case $b4_memorial:
		$source_file = "logoMEMORIAL.png";
		$day_of = $memorial_day;
	case $memorial:
	case $b4_fathers:
		$source_file = "logoFATHERS.png";
		$day_of = $fathers_day;
	case $fathers:
		$source_file = "logoJULY4.png";
		$day_of = date('l, F j\<\s\u\p\>S\<\/\s\u\p\>', strtotime("07/04 $currentYear"));
	case "0705":

	case $b4_labor:
		$source_file = "logoLABOR.png";
		$day_of = $labor_day;
	case $labor:
	case "1015":
		$source_file = "logoHALLOWEEN.png";
		$day_of = date('l, F j\<\s\u\p\>S\<\/\s\u\p\>', strtotime("10/31 $currentYear"));
	case "1101":
	case $b4_thanksgiving:
		$source_file = "logoTHANKSGIVING.png";
		$day_of = $thanksgiving_day;
	case "1111":
		$source_file = "logoVETERANS.png";
		$day_of = $day_of = date('l, F j\<\s\u\p\>S\<\/\s\u\p\>', strtotime("11/11 $currentYear"));
	case "1112":
		$source_file = "logoTHANKSGIVING.png";
		$day_of = $day_of = $thanksgiving_day;
	case $b4_black_friday:
		$source_file = "logoBLACKFRIDAY.png";
		$day_of = $black_friday_day;
	case $b4_cyber_monday:
		$source_file = "logoCYBER.png";
		$day_of = $cyber_monday_day;
	case $cyber_monday:
		$source_file = "logoCHRISTMAS.png";
		$day_of = date('l, F j\<\s\u\p\>S\<\/\s\u\p\>', strtotime("12/25 $currentYear"));
	case "1226":
		$source_file = "logoNEWYEAR2.png";
		$day_of = date('l, F j\<\s\u\p\>S\<\/\s\u\p\>', strtotime('01/01/' . (date("Y") + 1)));

if ($source_file != "") {
	if (copy($path . "/" . $source_file, $path . "/logo300.png")) {
		// We need to overwrite the logo file with the source file.
		// $day_of text is placed beneath the holiday logo in argento-custom.txt
		$file_name_path = LUXE_HOME_ABSOLUTE_PATH . 'pub/media/logo/logo_text.txt';
		if ($source_file !== "logoNORMAL.png") {
			$logo_day_txt = '<div style="font-size:.9em;margin-top:-4px">' . $day_of . '</div>';
			file_put_contents($file_name_path, $logo_day_txt);
		} else {
			// Need to ensure the date disappears once the holiday logo switches back to normal.
			// Delete the file.
			if (file_exists($file_name_path)) {
	} else {
			"Logo $source_file could not be copied",
			__FILE__ . ": Could not copy Logo"

// Update the Batch Timestamp to indicate Batch job done.

function day_after()
	global $source_file;
	$source_file = "logoNORMAL.png";
Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
10 1 5

Maybe instead of using a cronjob you can add the christmas version of the logo in the customizer, and you put a liquid if to check what date is today.
So for example you can display the christmas logo in december and all the other months the normal logo

Shopify Partner
77 2 9

Hi Alex, thanks for looking into my concern. My example is just the tip of the iceberg. I added the entire PHP script in my post that will change the logo for several holidays dates for which will vary. Please have a look. Thank you.

Shopify Partner
10 1 5

It's a bit longer but you can apply the same approach as I wrote before.

Or you can put all the logos together in a unique image. Then in the frontend, using css, you show only a part of the image and with js or liquid you play a bit to center the correct logo based on the period of the year.

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

Well, I just read your entire `php` code. I will suggest you stick with liquid. It's more powerful than you think. Let me share a small example of how you may handle the scenario:

{% assign nowDate = "today" | date: "%m-%d" %}

<!-- Adjust dates: mm-dd -->
{% assign eventEasterStart = "03-18" %}
{% assign eventEasterEnd = "04-20" %}

<!-- Adjust dates: mm-dd -->
{% assign eventMothersStart = "03-18" %}
{% assign eventMothersEnd = "04-20" %}

<!-- Adjust dates: mm-dd -->
{% assign eventFathersStart = "03-18" %}
{% assign eventFathersEnd = "04-20" %}

<!-- Let's do the condition -->
{% if (nowDate | date_between: eventEasterStart, eventEasterEnd) %}
  Render Eater Logo
{% elsif (nowDate | date_between: eventMothersStart, eventMothersEnd) %}
  Render MothersDay Logo
{% elsif (nowDate | date_between: eventFathersStart, eventFathersEnd) %}
  Render FathersDay Logo
{% else %}
  Render Default Logo
{% endif %}


You still need to figure out how you can get relative dates like "2nd Sunday of month"