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Hi guys,
I am new to Shopify. I want to know if there is any way to know that an order is returned or not in Shopify.
I have checked the orders fetch API GET/admin/api/2021-07/orders.json?status=any. In that, I haven't found any status like "Returned" for the returned orders.
We can identify the cancelled, archived, open, fulfilled, unfulfilled and partially fulfilled orders. Likewise is there any option/field to identify the order returned?
I have found the same concern in another forum Solved: Re: Return API - Shopify Community. but it seems outdated.
Please help me with this.
Thanks in advance.
Hi there @Chikku!
I just wanted to let you know I have moved your query here to our dedicated API forums.
As we're not able to provide developer-level support ourselves here, we have a specific area here in the forums where Partners and others can ask more in-depth questions about working with our API.
These forums are moderated and responded to by our own Developers and your fellow Partners so this is really the best place for your query.
You can also review our developer API help docs here to see if there's any relevant info you can find for yourself.
With any luck, you'll have a reply here from our Community in due course to help out.
All the best!
Don | Social Care @ Shopify
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@Chikku We have observed that this works for fetching orders whose return is in progress: GET/admin/api/2021-07/orders.json?return_status=in_progress. Similarly, return_status=returned works for fetching orders whose return has been completed.
Hi rk92,
Thank you for your reply.
I have checked the API documentation https://shopify.dev/api/admin/rest/reference/orders/order and I haven't found any field like return_status.
Am I referring to the right documentation? Could you please help me to resolve this?
@Chikku Yes, you are checking the right documentation. Shopify doesn't mention this in their documentation anywhere. We tested it out (taking cues from the API call that Shopify makes when you apply the return status filter from the frontend) and it fetched the expected orders for us.