Shop App review showing up under the wrong product on my site?

Shop App review showing up under the wrong product on my site?

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i recently launched a brand new product and somehow, there’s a review on it from a different product. when i exported my reviews after shopify shut down their review app, this review is only under the correct product in the export file.


the date of the review is 3 months before i even launched this new product or had a product listing/draft for it. the product should have 0 reviews since it’s brand new.


the review also shows up under the correct product. in the shop app settings on shopify, it exclusively shows up under the correct product. in settings, it also shows under the correct product. what gives? shopify is blaming, is blaming shopify. im pretty sure this is a shopify issue because it was also happening when i had no review apps on my store and had leftover star ratings from the old shopify review app visible.


at this point i just want it removed but i don’t have that option. shopify tried indexing my site and it’s still happening. what gives?

Reply 1 (1)

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I have the same problem plus one other issue.
I had the Shopify Review app, and when they said they were deprecating it, I removed the app.
1. Unfortunatley, the old black review stars are still showing on my product cards in the collection view and under the title on the Product page, below my new app's yellow review stars. I haven't figured out how to disable the old stars from showing in collections and on products.
2. AND, like Shopnbm, I have products with no reviews that are showing the review stars and average rating text, ie. "5.0 / 5.0  (7)"  from the old Shopify Review app.
I know how it happened.
I cloned a product that had reviews, then modified the clone to save the new item.
The cloned items have the review stars from the cloned item.
I didn't realize that was happening at first, so now I have dozens of items with the same number of review stars, even though those products don't have any reviews.
And since I removed the app, they shouldn't show at all, but they do. So there's left-over code somewhere, but I don't know where.

It's not theme-specific, because when I installed a new theme, the same issue is still there.

When I look at the code, I see:
<div class"card__content"> grid
If I hover over the code below that (buried under <div class="card__information:> <div class="card-information">
<div class="rating" role="img" aria-label="5.0 out of 5.0 stars">
the black stars on my website page are highlighted.

I tried commenting out the entire component-rating.css, but that only removed the black stars, not the text next to it, ie. "5.0 / 5.0  (7)"

I'm obviously not a programmer, so I feel like I'm close, but don't know what to do to fix it.

OK, I just edited the card-product.liquid and commented out the <div class="card-information"> section between the {%- if show_vendor -%}  and {%- endif -%}
That seemed to have worked. It removed the old ratings from my collection grid and my product pages.
I hope it didn't break anything. LOL. I know just enough to be dangerous.