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Showing product color variants as seperate products on collection page - but now filter doesnt work?

Showing product color variants as seperate products on collection page - but now filter doesnt work?

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I have made a screen recording explaining of my issue:


I have a developer who made all my product color variants display as individual products on my collections page - Great!


BUT, when i try to use the filter option "color" and choose to show fx only "Blue", all the variants keeps showing, and nothing happens.


The website is not done yet, so i only have a preview link for you guys:


When you click "Shop now" on the banner, on the home page, you will get navigation to a collection, containing the product shown within the screen recording.


I have some doubts about the talent of my developer, so i just want to know if guys will say the same as he does.


Any idea how to fix this?

Thank you for your time!

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