Using Locales in an app section does not work as described in docs

Using Locales in an app section does not work as described in docs

76 1 29


I'm adding an app section and using the "locales" section for translating  the text content in the section as described in

For example if my app section was the following


{{ "label" | t }}

{% schema %}
"name": {
"en": "My Section Title"
}, "locales": { "en": { "label": "My Section Label" } } } {% endschema %}

The app section displays "Translation Missing: en.label" instead of "My Section Label"

Am I doing something wrong or is this in fact broken?

Replies 2 (2)

Community Manager
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Hey there @Andrew-Corknine,


Thanks for flagging this- it does indeed look like there is an issue with the locales property outputting the value you expect here. I've raised this with the team who are currently looking into it, and I'll update here when we've implemented a fix. 




Liam Griffin

Shopify | Partner Education

Liam | Developer Advocate @ Shopify 
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76 1 29

Hi @Liam ,

This seems to be working now, though I cannot see how a merchant would edit the locales/translations if they want to use different wording.  Is that possible in an app section like this?