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My website(www.cloudray.com) is a bit stuck in loading, The problem is mainly on the product page. I hope that the loading speed can be optimized.(Of course, including the overall loading speed of the website)
In addition, the table data of the website cannot be displayed completely on the mobile terminal, and I hope this can be optimized.
Hi @Cloudraylaser ,
I have gone through your store. Your store looks good.
I have checked your site in lighthouse chrome extension tool. your website score is very low.
Lighthouse Score for Mobile :
3rd party apps & codes which take time to load and their size . They decrease the speed.
Need to work on following points
See where exactly google speed index tools want you to target your code to optimize the site .
First Contentful Paint
Share the screenshot for the table data of the website.
By fixing these issues, your website speed score can definitely improve.
And we will provide an assured guarantee plan for the website speed optimization.
For more details please check the link below.
If anything is missed out or unclear then don't hesitate to ask. Email us or Connect with us on Skype
Have a nice day !
Thanks a lot for your advice, I need some time to make a decision
Welcome to Shopify Community.
I have Seen your website score is very low. and it takes time load the content. or your Store Speed is slow.
It's due to the many reason like js issues, large amount of products, something technical issue etc
As per give above in the pic this were the main your pain point and issues.
You have to focus on it. I think you don't have to hire anyone to fix this.
if you need any more detail guidence you can inform us. We are always happy to help you.
Store Speed optimization Technique.
if you need more guidence you can view our blog,
let me know if you need any more help.
Thank you.
So how do you charge for it?
Don't Worry about the charge. Just get resolve your issues.
We always helps customer to grow their business.
if you are looking to get help as soon. let me know.
We are waiting for your response.
thank you
I think I need a plan package