Add customers chosen delivery date to Summary and Order emails


Add customers chosen delivery date to Summary and Order emails

Shopify Partner
3 0 1

Hello. I've used this guide to add a delivery date selection to our checkout


Is there a way to show the chosen date in the checkout summary and also include the date in order emails and on the order item within the shipyfy order list?


Thank you

Accepted Solution (1)

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This is an accepted solution.

@Whiteflame For the same will work. the code is given on above link will show the selected date in checkout as well as in email.


The below code will do that:

name="attributes[date]" value="{{ }}"
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This is an accepted solution.

@Whiteflame For the same will work. the code is given on above link will show the selected date in checkout as well as in email.


The below code will do that:

name="attributes[date]" value="{{ }}"
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Thank you for the quick reply, I can see how to add into oreder emails and have added the following which I believe is correct

{% if %}
        <table class="container">
              <h3>Requested delivery date</h3>
        <table class="container">
            <table class="row">
                <td class="customer-info__item">
                  {{ }}
{% endif %}


However I can't see how to add the field into the order review on the checkout process, if it's even possible?

Shopify Partner
1186 171 174

It's a cart attribute so it'll be visible on the checkout page automatically. 


If this will not work then you can use the line item properties for the product. This will used in product page to add any additional data for the products. And selected data will also visible in cart and checkout page.

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Shopify Partner
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OK Thank you for the infor.. is it possible to use the code like the below?

name="attributes[Delivery date]" value="{{ }}"




Thank you again

Shopify Partner
1186 171 174



Yes you can, but use it with input form element so you get the data in email as well as in checkout 

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Hi @Whiteflame you can use our app DeliveryNotify : Shipping times to send a custom notification email with delivery times of each supplier.