Re: Automatically add a tag based on shipping option?

Automatically add a tag based on shipping option?

22 0 7

Hi there. I am wondering if there is a way to have the system add a tag to a customer order if they pick a specific shipping method? We usually get about 60 orders a day but we need to make sure we pull the orders where the customer chose USPS Express right away. I am trying to find a way to easily identify those. I see that you can only sort shipping method by Local Delivery or Local Pick up or Ship to Customer. I feel like there is an easy way to do this and I am just missing it.

Replies 7 (7)

Shopify Partner
3571 638 931

Hi @lisankelly 

There is actually, you should filter by Delivery Method inside "More Filters" then Save the view and name it like you want!


That should do it, don't forget to like & mark as solution if this solves your issue 😉

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22 0 7

Thanks for your reply. I tried that before posting but the delivery method doesn’t break down by type of postage delivery method. It only gives options of local delivery, pickup or ship. I need to know specifically who chose USPS express. 

6 1 2

I also would love a solution to this issue. We would like to sort orders by custom shipping method.

Shopify Partner
3571 638 931

Hi @twfwa 

There is a solution that involves automatically tagging the orders with a distinct tag per shipping option using the Arigato automation app. Let us know if this approach might work for you and we can take it from there. Cheers!

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1 0 0

can i do this with the FLOW automation app?

Shopify Partner
2 0 1

Hey Nicole, 


You can do this with the Flow automation app 

Here is the URL to a pre-created template for your scenario.


Let me know if you need any extra help!


Shopify Partner
2 0 1

Hey Lisankelly, 


You can do this with the Flow automation app 

Here is the URL to a pre-created template for your scenario.


Let me know if you need any extra help!

P.S. Hopefully this is useful to you. I know this post is a bit old.