Can packing slips be ordered by item weight instead of quantity weight?

Can packing slips be ordered by item weight instead of quantity weight?

Shopify Partner
13 1 1

Is it possible to order the packing slip via the weight of the items? I need to order a packing slip via ITEM WEIGHT not QUANTITY WEIGHT.

For example, an apple weighs 200g but a watermelon weighs 1kg. If the customer purchases 10x apples (2kg), it will still show beneath the watermelon on the packing slip as the item weight is lighter.

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Reply 1 (1)

168 6 17

It is a slightly issue as the packing slip on Shopify listed on the order of the items add one by one, it isnt hard to adjust but shopify make it as default,maybe you can ask Shopify developer. - Chinese dropshipping agent - reliable sourcing agent