Can shipping fees be set based on location?

Can shipping fees be set based on location?

32 0 8

Is it possible to set the shipping fee depends on the location?

thank you.

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
195 30 37

Hi @SMSIGroup1 

This is Mike from Omega.

It is possible to set a shipping rates for locations. You can set shipping rates for buyer's postcode.

My app (DingDoong: Local Delivery Date) will help you to config multiple rates for each postcode.

You also can set rate by price or weight of the order for each postcode.

Hope my answer will help you

Mike from Omega

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Yes you can. 
You can create different shipping zones inside Shopify and set different rates for them. Shipping zones can be created by country and regions within country.


However, if you need more granular options for creating locations, then you need to use an app like ShipMagic to do so.

Automate & bulk assign products to shipping profile: Auto Shipping Profiles: Shipr
Calculate accurate shipping rates: Shipping Calculator: ShipMagic
Hide, rename, reorder payment methods at checkout: Payment Customization: PayMix