Can the Shopify Risk Operations partial payout reserve decision be reversed?

Can the Shopify Risk Operations partial payout reserve decision be reversed?

Shopify Partner
4 0 2

I've gotten this email (and promptly responded asking similar questions to those I'm about to share) at 4:06 AM PST and am baffled at what it says. Here is the gist of it : 

I just wanted to touch base with you as we're going to need to set a partial payout reserve on your account due to increased chargeback risks.
That said, we are going to set a 15% reserve of all future sales will be held for 120 days in order to mitigate this chargeback risk. At the end of this reserve term, the funds held will be released to the bank account on file.
We know that this may affect your business and if this doesn't work for you, you may choose a different payment gateway to process future orders.
So here's a little info on the affected store. It's done 35k revenue, had 7 high-risk orders (out of 1000+) and I've declined 6 of them. I only recently accepted the 7th after receiving proof of verification from the customer. I've also had 1 chargeback case, in which I submitted all the evidence I have and it is still pending review from their bank. The chargeback was about a week ago, however, accepting the high-risk order was yesterday. The timing coincides with the high-risk order but is that all it took? I've done over 1000 orders and accepted 1 high-risk order AFTER receiving verification of address and billing made Shopify put my money on hold for 3 months? I can understand just the high-risk order being on hold, but they're holding 15% of my money for 3 months... Is there any chance this can be reversed? I am baffled at the decision making on behalf of the risk-review team and shopify payments.
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New Member
20 0 0

did you ever get your money back? please answer me