Can we file a class action against fraudulent charge backs?

Can we file a class action against fraudulent charge backs?

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Anyone interested in filing Class Action against these charge backs?  I provided proof buyer received product - USPS tracking number - yet bank took money out my account and charged me $15.  The bank fraudulently stated buyer never received product, is refusing to refund the charge back and making me pay to be taken advantage of.  It's mail fraud.  Anyone tired of being taken advantage of and wants this issue investigated or rather a Class Action please let me know.

Replies 9 (9)

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Um, yes. Its absolutely absurd. We have received multiple chargebacks on orders that the customer placed in person and walked out the door holding. Its fraud and the banks and Shopify are leaving small businesses holding the bag. Its unacceptable. Would participate in a class action if there was one and will be looking to take my business elsewhere asap.

9 0 2

I’m in. When you’re ready I want a class action, the worst part is it’s a business. Not only do we lose the chargeback but shopify charges us! Sickening

9 0 4

I have the same issue here! The scammers are really damaging my business!

How can I charge them? or did anyone find any solution!

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I would be in.  The credit card companies collect huge fees.  What are we paying those fees for?  I thought we were paying those fees to guarantee we get paid.  Credit card companies need to be accountable for fraud that their customers are committing or enabling by losing control of their accounts.  If we provide the service or product, we should be paid.  More and more there is a group of people using this to get free product.  


Even when we verify orders with customers, get driver's license photo, have photo proof of delivery onto their doorstep......our chargeback challenge is still lost.  How do the banks get to decide?  They have zero interest in being fair.

9 0 2

100% we are in. Please email us at

shopify, the banking system, the merchant provider all know how illegal this is and they allow it. Essentially allowing customers to come in, rob us and then we have to pay these providers after being robbed. 
why are we paying a transaction fee if there is no protection?  Why are we paying a fee to be on shopify if there is no protection? 
did you know the final outcome is the customers bank who gets to decide on the outcome? This process is the most biased opinion and all small businesses are suffering due to illegal chargebacks which is on the rise in Canada.


the worst part about this is we have zero rights as a business, shopify tells us they are not held responsible but wants their money even after a chargeback and then puts a system in place on their shop app that we as vendors have to stay under 1% chargeback ratio.


How do we stay under 1% when it’s extremely easy for a customer to file a chargeback and win it even though we provided them with the item. It’s complete ludicrous and we are 100% ready to join a class action lawsuit. Systems need to change. Ironically banks if they are robbed the person robbing goes to jail but the new digital way to rob a business is a chargeback and then these banks shopify and merchants literally charge a fee for it happening to us and these big companies are capitalizing on these chargebacks. It’s sickening and they turned robbery into a business.

we are in. Please email us. Let’s get these big corporations and take them down.  

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Let’s get this started. I’m sick of zero terms and conditions. I’m sick of uneducated customers dictating the terms and I’m sick of the losses with illegal chargebacks. We have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees just to get our product or money back. This should be against the law. 

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im in.

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This very same situation happened to us, shipped $600 plus to the UK, and the customer was required to go to customs to pick up the package. Standard procedure.... customer had to have shown some kind of identification, and signed a release I assume, and yet, the chargeback regardless of my defense went thru... $600 plus down the drain plus chargeback fees. I never was given the opportunity to speak with the card issuing bank, and I can bet my rear end, SHOPIFY did not represent me fairly... just let the chargeback go thru. And after it was over SHOPIFY had the nerve to tell me to go purchase some app.  Here's another problem I have... we get the occasional fraud alert, and if I determine it is fraud, I cancel the order (refund automatic), and yet I get hit with a fee. For what? 

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I am in, same thing I have provided proof of delivery, email exchange with customer product received with USPS tracking # yet the bank took dack money and charge me a fee.