Cancel and Refund a Order (In Progress)

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I did a test purchase and trying to set up automatic fulfillment. I want to cancel and refund the current order but it's in progress which will not allow me to do so. Is there another way to do this without having to complete the order? 

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Shopify Staff (Retired)
1425 174 286

Hey, @poppatello! Thanks for reaching out about this. Doing a test purchase on your store is a very proactive step to ensure everything is set up and working as it should. So, good for you! 


With test orders, you can test it out by creating a real transaction, which sounds like what you did. But you can also do so through simulating a transaction. Both strategies are explained further in the Help Doc for Placing a test order.


Which payment gateway are you using? If it’s a third party payment provider, then the Help Doc linked above goes over how to put the gateway into Bogus mode so that you can create a test order. However, if you’re using Shopify Payments, the steps for enabling test mode are found in the Help Doc Testing Shopify Payments


Hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.