Accepting credit cards, warehouses, and shipping and fulfilling orders
This question has been asked many times before and is a real issue that needs to be sorted out.
We have two refunded, cancelled orders that have status unfulfilled. These orders are still being shown in both the left menu and also on the app, as the red notification number. We are unable to fulfil these orders, as they are cancelled. Once an order is cancelled, it should not show up in the notifications anymore.
This disrupts our workflow and we would like to see this fixed soon.
To illustrate what I mean; below is a screenshot. We currently have 3 orders to fulfil, but it shows 5 in the left menu:
Solved! Go to the solution
This is an accepted solution.
Hey, @GoldenGaitMerc!
Thank you for sharing your additional feedback with us. We appreciate it.
I can understand how important this is to have resolved, and the impact in can have on your daily workflow.
To confirm, the suggested workaround is to manually archive the orders as listed here or set up filters in saved searches to only display “paid” and “unfulfilled” orders. More details on this workaround can be found in the provided help documentation here. This is all that is possible at the moment.
We are working on addressing this issue and making improvements with our developer team. I understand the importance of this issue and aim to provide updates as soon as they become available. Any new updates will be shared in our Changelog here.
To streamline our efforts, we kindly ask that any new feedback focuses on any unique aspects that highlights the impact on the business. This will help us address the specific concerns related to your business.
Going forward, we'll continue to monitor this thread for unique feedback but will engage selectively, as we have already forwarded your feedback to our developer team.
Maz | Social Care @ Shopify
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Hey again @paulpostma!
Thanks for your post!
I appreciate how strongly you feel about this and how it may be somewhat disruptive when working on orders.
Refunded and cancelled orders may still show as unfulfilled in the orders section, because they have not actually been fulfilled. At this moment in time, it is not possible to change the label from them or remove them. While still a pain point for some merchants, we suggest as a workaround to manually archive the orders as detailed here or setting up filters in saved searches such as only showing "paid" and "unfulfilled". Learn more in our help doc here.
In the meantime, I will have this forwarded to our developer team, if they consider working on this and help out precious merchants, like you. I'll be sending them a message. Though it would be difficult to provide any concrete timeline to you regarding the changes, but I can assure you that your request will not go unheard. I really hope this helps!
Aside from the above, is there any marketing you would like to discuss on your store?
Maz | Social Care @ Shopify
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Not sure what did it, or whether something behind the scenes changed, but it's not appearing in the orders number, nor in the red notifications number on the app. So, we're happy with it now. Thanks for your help.
Hi @paulpostma!
Awh, I am happy to hear that's all sorted for you now!
Let me know if there is anything else you need, have an awesome day!
Maz | Social Care @ Shopify
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Hi There!
I just had my first cancelled order, and am also experiancing the same issue. I have manually archived the order but it is staying in my unfulfilled orders and making batched ordersquite frustrating. Has there been a fix to this issue?
Not sure what did it, or whether something behind the scenes changed, but it's not appearing in the orders number, nor in the red notifications number on the app. So, we're happy with it now.
It will come back. They likely went in and did a temp fix.
Hey @fomo_Lacquer!
Thanks for getting in touch on this thread and letting us know you're experiencing the same issue.
Have you also tried setting up filters in saved searches such as only showing "paid" and "unfulfilled"?
For the moment there has been no fixed issued, however I have flagged this with our developers along with the other feedback received from merchants. Hopefully there will be a better workaround or fix issued soon, however that is no guarantee.
Let me know if you have any other questions!
Maz | Social Care @ Shopify
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Hey Shopify. I am experiencing this same issue. Is there a way to manually do this? Thank you!
I also have this issue and hate it. When I called SHopify plus they showed me how to get my notification number down to 0 but can't figure it out. No the archive doesnt work and the showing just paid and unfulfilled doesnt clear notifications. I literally don't know when we run out of product and have a back log, because the indicator is so large.
Causes many problems.
Hello Shopify! I am once again experiencing this same issue. Is there a manual way to do this? Thank you!
We should not have to be the people doing a "work around" for these types of issues.
I absolutely hate this. Might switch away from Shopify if they dont fix this.
Seriously. It is the little stuff. They can go an manually clear it for you but it will come back.
There is an option to check all the boxes for the cancelled orders that have "unfulfilled" and at the bottom I can click on "mark as fulfilled" and it even threatens to send an email to all the customers. I mark no or course, but it STILL does nothing. It doesnt mark it as fulfilled. And archiving doesnt get rid of it either.
I know there is a solution. I called once and they showed me. I cant remember it.
Yeah this is ridiculous. We have alllll been waiting for this to be resolved for a lllllooooonnnggg time. Please forward my desire to have fixed as well. We as business owners want to clear those notifications to zero so we can see that there is not more fulfilling to do.
Hi @GoldenGaitMerc!
Thank you for reaching out to us on this thread. I understand that you are looking to achieve a resolution to clear notifications of cancelled, unfulfilled orders, and I would agree that having a workaround doesn't necessarily solve this problem.
To help, I have gone ahead and added this feedback for our developers to take a look into, so I am hopeful that a fix will be issued in the near future for this.
In the meantime, please let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with!
Maz | Social Care @ Shopify
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This is happening to me as well. Maybe one thing that it could be causing this is in my case it is connected to GoShippo, and in there system the refunded item(out of stock) is still has not been fulfilled, and prob why Shopify can't close the order.
This could be the problem.
Any updates here?
Hey @GoldenGaitMerc!
Thanks for reaching back out about this!
There have been no updates since we last spoke, however I'd recommend keeping an eye on our Announcements page here and also our Changelog here for any updates related to this.
Thank you for your patience and understanding in the meantime.
Maz | Social Care @ Shopify
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Still no fix for this? This is probably the most frustrating bug in all of Shopify. A shopify developer can most likely fix this for a lot of frustrated store owners in minutes. I currently have over 100 canceled/refunded orders that show a daily reminder in the open order bubble that I can do nothing about. How can we get this relatively small problem in front of the right person to make it priority?
Hi, @rdavis1987!
Thanks for subscribing to this thread!
I can certainly understand how this could be a pain point and appreciate you providing your feedback. At this time, the only workarounds available are the ones I have mentioned previously on this thread, manually archive the orders as detailed here or setting up filters in saved searches such as only showing "paid" and "unfulfilled" as shown in this help doc here.
I wouldn't be able to speak on behalf of the developers however I have added your feedback for them to review. We appreciate your patience in the meantime about this.
Maz | Social Care @ Shopify
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This issue has been ongoing for a long time. No, acrchiving the orders manually does not work. No, setting up an "unfulfilled" filter does not work. When will this issue be resolved? When an order goes to $0.00, a fulfillment que should be prompted automatically.
Please fix this issue as yes it messes up the work flow... I have archived orders, etc... and not of it works.
Please fix this issue. Thanks,
Hello, @KaityM , @nearlynewmodels & @edahlen!
Thank you all for joining this thread and providing your feedback.
I understand that having cancelled orders still showing up in the notifications can be disruptive to your workflow and can appreciate the frustration or confusion this may cause.
Regrettably, I do not have any updates surrounding this. I'd recommend keeping an eye on our Changelog page here and also our Announcements page at this link for any updates related to this.
I have shared this feedback with our developers also, along with the others on this thread. So, hopefully there may be some movement and improvements on this in the near future, however for now I do not have any updates to share, and I appreciate that this is not ideal.
I understand that this issue has been challenging for you all, and I want to thank you all for your feedback. Your input is valuable to us as we work to improve our platform and provide a better experience for all of our merchants.
Maz | Social Care @ Shopify
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It will be around one year, and we still have the same issue. How many people should report the same problem?
I know and talking to chat or support they know it is an issue but they refuse to say if or ever it will be fixed. It must be an issue with some baseline code or something.
I would just like to chime in and bring this to light. i have been shopify member for 3 years and this has ALWAYS been an issue.
I have orders canceled and refunded showing unfullfilled just like everyone else.
You stated they show because they have not been fullfilled. fullfilled does not equal shipped. These order in fact have been fullfilled. they have been fullfilled by canceling them. some items can be fullfilled by downloading them. some can be fullfilled by shippinging them. these orders have been fullfilled by CANCELING and should not show up as pending orders anymore. this rubs in our faces EVERY canceled order that we just want to forget about and move on. please fix. if i had more than 1 cancel a month this would drive me nuts
We are having the same issue and it is really annoying. For us, using the paid filter isn't working either because we refunded the order, so paid is $0. This really needs some work!!
Just posting here to support the original poster. This notification should be customizable by the user to indicate the order status or statuses they would like to highlight. Otherwise this notification is very misleading and confusing to use. I spend a lot of time explaining this to my team. Please Shopify, fix this for us!
this is still not fixed! Its August 2023. I have one order sitting as unfullfilled and its incredibly frustrating and UNPROFESSIONAL. What woudl it take to fix this already? Ridiculous!
Over a year later. Who do we have to call to get this resolved. This is an issue with Shopify Plus too…
Adding myself to the list of frustrated shop owners. It's untidy and feels pressured when you see those annoying yellow lines.
I also had a problem - I reimburse a customer for an item as I swapped her original order for something else, but she still paid postage and I can't fulfil the order even though there is postage on it, so that's another variation of the same problem.
I just moved to Shopify from an older platform, Able Commerce. I am experiencing this same problem. It is very problematic. It seems that adding an additional status of 'cancelled' would be the most accurate fix. Leaving orders in unfulfilled that will not be filled is not clean and hampers work work flow. I know you can set filters, but that is inconvenient and I have missed things when i relied on the filters. Please consider adding additional status' and even the option for us to manually add additional status' that make sense for our specific work flows.
The old program had this as an option and helped us immensely with various work flow issues.
Thanks for having such responsive forums and continually working to upgrade Shopify.
This is seriously irking me to my core. I have 4 notifications and no way to clear them. I've been trying for days. I HATE RED BUBBLES. Where is the solution shopify????????????????????
I came here as have the same issue and looking for a fix, and all I got was a clear indication shopify are ignoring this blatant issue! .... for a year and counting
Hello, @a0devito & @coalfield!
Thanks for joining this thread.
Regrettably, I don't have any new updates to share since my last reply. I realize how important it is for this issue to be resolved, and I want you to know that your feedback is important. I'll be sure to pass this information along to our developers, and I'm hopeful that we'll be able to find a solution in the near future. Thank you both for your patience and understanding!
Maz | Social Care @ Shopify
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How? How?!?? How is this STILL not fixed?!
I can't believe it. Shopify is so powerful but couldn't solve this seems not too big of a problem. Please help.
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Consistently telling paying customers that "I've passed on your feedback," is not helpful. If I have even 1 customer complain about something, I look into fixing it. But then our company cares about its customers and customer service. The fact that SO MANY have complained about this FOR SO LONG, and still nothing is done about it just demonstrates that Shopify really doesn't care.
I know it won't help any since there are already plenty of voices that have expressed the same frustration, but I'll add yet another one. This is SUCH A SIMPLE FIX. It would literally take a developer less than 30 minutes to fix, and yet here we are years later with the same issue. Unbelievable.
Yep, it has apparently been going on for multiple years. I found another thread just a bit ago that discussed this exact same issue, so it's clear @Shopify doesn't care enough about its users to fix an issue that so many people are very vocally upset about. It's especially disappointing because it doesn't even seem like it would be THAT hard of a thing to fix? I don't code but I can't imagine it's more complicated than any other functions on this site.
This is ridiculous, why are we paying a Shopify "premium" price if you can't even fix a simple and annoying bug. It's not been a year, it's been at least 3 years, I've had the notification bubble for THREE YEARS. and no before you repeat yourself, none of your "solutions" work. FIX THE PROBLEM or do you not have a single competent developer? Something like this can easily be fixed within a day.
Just chiming in to say I am experiencing the same thing. This literally is a small bug that a single developer at Shopify could patch within a day. Seems to just not be priority at this point.
I'm also having the same issue. My first ever order was a test order which I cancelled and since then It's just been hanging there like a bad smell.
Re: the outstanding orders metric in the left panel
This is insane especially considering 1) how prominent this space in the UI is that's rendered useless and wasted 2) how easy it would be to fix 3) and how long this has been an issue (year+!).
We have 70+ of these just lurking there. literally NEVER have a clean easily accessible metric on the true amount of orders needing fulfillment on any given day now. This is ABC 123 stuff, absolutely essential.
Why not make that metric count the number of unarchived (open) orders? This would eliminate these edge cases that come up when counting unfulfilled as the metric total and would give the same value we're looking for.
PLEASE reply with a long term solution for this.
Adding my name to the list of frustrated store owners here. For the amount of profit Shopify is generating, it shouldn't be asking a lot to get this sorted out. At least add a function to the app that allows us to use our own filters to determine what triggers the red bubble notification.
Hey, @Tim_B!
I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on this thread.
I can understand how this is a major pain point when dealing with orders on your store.
Maz | Social Care @ Shopify
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Hello Maz,
Just speaking up here as it seems like we all are still very much waiting to see any action be put on the agenda of fixes as this issue clearly effects all admin users. Your answer may be correct, but unacceptable.
Can you please provide a link for further suggestions or a person we can speak to that can actually make change? Are you helping your colleagues rally to support for this? Are you able to?
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