Chargeback for "product not received" before I have had reasonable time to deliver.

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Hi, I have recently gotten a chargeback on my site with the reason being cited that the product was not received. The thing is, this request for a chargeback was asked just a couple days after the person bought the product, meaning of course they wouldn't have received it yet. On the product page and the name of the shipping once in checkout reads that what they are buying was a preorder which would be received in Fall 2021, yet a couple days pass and they are mad that they haven't gotten it yet. I refund anyone that emails me and requests for one, and I have emailed the person who filed the chargeback that I would refund them if they would kindly remove their request for a chargeback. My question is how would I dispute this claim if when the chargeback evidence required on shopify's page is that the product has already been delivered?

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With pre-orders, the best option is to talk to the buyer and sort out the situation. Generally, here's what Shopify help docs suggest in cases when the buyer initiates "Product not received" chargeback. 

"The chargeback is marked as Product not received if the customer believes that they did not receive the goods or services they purchased.

You should try to get in touch with the customer first to figure out the problem. If you can resolve the problem with your customer, then you should tell the customer to contact their bank and say that they want to drop the chargeback. You should also include evidence that the customer agreed to drop the chargeback in the response you send to the credit card company.

If you can't resolve the issue with your customer, then you should submit evidence to the credit card company that proves that the customer received the product or service before the chargeback was made. You could include some of the following pieces of evidence:

Nick | Ecommerce & Marketing Technology Consultant | Toronto, CANADA
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Hi @DND 

What does the "reason" say on the chargeback? "unauthorized charge" or "item not received"?

It sounds like from what I can tell from the description, a bad actor could have used a stolen credential to make the purchase using someone's account, and when the original account holder sees the unknown charge, they called their bank to file a chargeback.

It's not recommended to dispute the claim since you have yet to ship out the item. Just let your payment processor know that you are happy to refund the customer. 

Just be very grateful that you have yet to send out the item. Be sure to make sure all your customers who made an advance payment are notified of all the updates. Communication is key to avoid people making unnecessary claims. 


Edit it since I read your title on the item "not being received".


Decrease fraudulent orders, stop chargebacks with Beacon. The most customizable fraud and risk management system built for Shopify businesses