Customer order review and approval prior to payment processing

Customer order review and approval prior to payment processing

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

I need to allow customers in my store to be able to create orders and checkout in a standard ecommerce experience including the collection of card payment information. However, due to some of my products strictly requiring specific combinations, I also need to be able to manually approve each order prior to the payment actually processing before fulfillment. Each order needs to be manually reviewed and if approved, then the payment should then be processed and the order fulfilled from our facility, but if the order is denied then a notification is sent to the cust and no payment is processed. Ideally, this would only apply to some specific products and others would process normally w/out needing review, but an all or nothing solution is acceptable. 

An approximated workflow would be;  cust checks out + provides payment info > order added to list for review > order reviewed & approved > payment processed > order fulfilled 


The closest relevant info I could find is:


Thank you

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
220 10 13

Hey @Shopifly1 ,


Our app works with Shopify orders. For approvals after payment processing make sure you’ve turned off automatically capture payments.


Feel free to reach our support team if you need help setting this up.


Sam @ Achieve Applabs.