Customers not paying enough shipping

Customers not paying enough shipping

1 0 2

I've noticed some customers ordering more than one item, yet paying for shipping on only one. How does this happen and what can I do to fix it?

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
75 3 7

Hi @GerryMule - By using shipping management apps, you can get granular control over shipping charges. You can take a free trial of ShipperHQ and refer to our extensive help documentation for help on any specific use cases you have.

Shopify Partner
28 0 5

Hi @GerryMule,
With Shopify default shipping settings it's impossible to charge shipping per every item and shipping rate is applied to the entire cart. With our Calcurates app we are providing Shopify stores with a maximum shipping calculation flexibility. For your particular scenario we have an FPI (fixed per item) calculation algorithm along with FPO (fixed per order), FPUW (fixed per unit of weight), POS (percentage of order subtotal), FPUD (fixed per unit of distance), FPP (fixed per package). Happy to serve you with a free initial app setup.

Co-founder & CEO at Calcurates. Accurate shipping rates and unique shipping rules for Shopify made simple.
Apps: Calcurates: Accurate Shipping | Calcurates: Estimated Shipping