Displaying shipping rates at checkout on Basic plan

Displaying shipping rates at checkout on Basic plan

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I am trying to start shipping a few of my products on my store.  I have both USPS and UPS options selected in my shipping settings.  When testing it out and going through checkout we got it to work and display different shipping options and prices that the customer can choose from which is what I want.  After a little bit it stops working and displays shipping not available.  I have the Basic plan and do not want to upgrade plans if possible as the amount of product that I expect to ship wont be much to make it worth it.  Is there any way to get different rates to be displayed for the customer to pick from at checkout without that third party app so I do not have to set a flat rate or upgrade my plan?  If no, why do I have the option to select different shipping rates through the two carriers but not be able to use them?

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