Error with shipping rates and customer orders

Error with shipping rates and customer orders

25 0 1

A customer was able to make an order from my online store for which there is no defined shipping rate in my store settings. I've set up my shipping rates according to the order price, and have very specific parameters set up; However, a customer was somehow able to complete an order that has a price not covered by the shipping rates. My store is currently set up to limit customers to two items per order, and anything more than that should not have a shipping rate and therefore the order wouldn't be able to be completed (or so I thought). Any help with getting this issue corrected would be greatly appreciated. 

Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
1400 174 384

It sounds like you probably have 'shopify backup shipping rates' which were triggered when your original set of rates didn't apply to the order. 


Without any screenshots of your current rates + the order (with customer details blurred out), it would be difficult to say for sure what the issue is. 

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25 0 1

The only shipping rates currently set up for my online store (to my knowledge) are custom shipping rates that are based on the order price. I set these up manually and they have very specific parameters. For each product in my store, I have a rate for a single order of that product and a double order.

My customer was able to place an order in the store that has a total not accounted for under my custom shipping rates. 


Screenshots here:

Screenshot 2024-03-14 5.11.22 PM.pngScreenshot 2024-03-14 5.12.12 PM.pngScreenshot 2024-03-14 5.10.58 PM.pngScreenshot 2024-03-14 5.10.29 PM.png

Shopify Partner
1400 174 384

In your first screenshot, you do have a 'general' profile, which would have any products not within your 'custom shipping rates' profile. If one of the products that the customer ordered isn't in the 'custom shipping rates' profile, then that could potentially explain the difference in shipping costs.


In your second screenshot, you blurred out the actual shipping cost, but the label "0.0lb item" does show. The total that you made an arrow to is the order total, not the shipping cost total.


In your third screenshot, I do see some free rates (and there's more rates than what's shown in your screenshot), so it's possible the order could of added up to a free shipping rate.


I'd probably have to look at your rates via the admin to figure out what's going on here.


You could try reaching out to Shopify's support team directly ( to see if they're able to help with finding the issue. Otherwise, if you wanted to hire me to take a look into this for you, then you can reach me via the contact details in the signature of this post.


Sorry I couldn't give a specific answer right off the bat -- it's just hard to tell what's going on, given how many rates you have, and with everything blurred as much as it is (though I don't blame you for blurring things).

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25 0 1
Yes, the customer was offered a free shipping rate. The arrow points to the
order price which is what shipping rates are based on, however, that
specific order price is not found in my shipping rates. That is the
dilemma. As you can see I have very specific parameters

[image: Screenshot 2024-03-14 5.10.58 PM.png]