Feature Request: Adding Serial Numbers to Sold Products

Feature Request: Adding Serial Numbers to Sold Products

4 0 3

Hello Shopify


You recently posted the article "How To Use Serialized Inventory to Track Stock Levels" https://www.shopify.com/in/retail/serialized-inventory#6.


The article is a good summary of the topic.




Shopify does not provide the necessary tools and features to actually serialise inventory or sold goods.


Our company is active in a highly regulated industry: the medical device industry. We are required to serialise sold goods.


We currently use the app Serialize to do this.


But, I believe this should also be a standard feature in Shopify. That way, we would be able to choose from multiple apps/options.


What is Shopify's plan regarding this topic?


Best regards


Marc from Rehasys and Euro Reha

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