Free shipping for customer but enter shipping cost we have to pay for

Free shipping for customer but enter shipping cost we have to pay for

Shopify Partner
6 0 0

Hey there,

I am quite new to Shopify and I am facing a problem. My shop offers free shipping above 40 $ spend. However, of course, the shipping is not free. We, the shop owners, have to pay for that shipping in this case.


In order to have correct reports, I would like to enter the shipping costs we have to pay (not the customer).


I know you can enter the unit costs per product. But those unit costs should not and cannot contain the shipping cost. Two reasons for that:  First, shipping costs vary depending on the amount of items and box needed to fulfill the shipping and second because sometimes the customer pays the shipping cost (below 40 $ spend) and sometimes we do.


So, is there any possibility to add such shipping costs to Shopify to have correct reports?


Furthermore, if there is a possibility, how can I add them by using the Shopify REST API?

Does this help me?


Kind regards

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