Google and Apple Pay - not processing transactions and reporting errors

Google and Apple Pay - not processing transactions and reporting errors

Shopify Partner
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We believe we have set up Google Pay and Apple Pay correctly on our store but we have had two instances where customers have reported that transactions do not go through and "Developer Error" appears. We are using Shopify Payments and other transactions are going through fine. Anybody experiencing the same kind of issue.

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
849 77 109

Hi @SoapMatters!

This is Lana from Shopify.

You mentioned that you saw a 'Developer error' in both instances where this occurred. Was this something that the customer saw, or is it visible on your end, and if so, could you please send me a screenshot of where you are seeing this?

When an order fails to go through the payment gateway, it should usually appear in your Orders > Abandoned Carts section. Could you please try to locate those orders there and scroll down to the Timeline section? This should usually contain an error code/reason behind the failure to proceed in the payment gateway. If the reason is unclear, could you please include a screenshot of that for me also?

Finally, you mentioned this was an issue with 2 customers - does the order say what country they are purchasing from? Or is there anything else there that you have noticed that they may have in common?

Please look into this and let me know what you find, I will see where we can go from there!
Let me know if you have any other questions also.

Thanks! -Lana

Lana | Social Care @ Shopify
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