Google Autocomplete suggested shipping addresses are not validated postal addresses

Google Autocomplete suggested shipping addresses are not validated postal addresses

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Google Autocomplete for the shipping address forms in Checkout does not typically suggest the USPS Standardized Postal Address from Google's own Address Validation API.

The autocomplete is a nice feature, but the addresses are not formatted correctly for carriers with proper abbreviations. This is causing problem during shipping label creation.

Example entry:
123 West High Street Ebensburg PA 15931


Expected validated postal address result:
123 W High St Ebensburg PA 15931-1538

From Google API
"postalAddress": {
"regionCode": "US",
"languageCode": "en",
"postalCode": "15931-1538",
"administrativeArea": "PA",
"locality": "Ebensburg",
"addressLines": [
"123 W High St"

Updating the suggestion results to validated postal formatted address should be considered for accuracy. I know there are apps out there that can do this instead, but this one is out-of-box and nearly working already.

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This is a great point. At Loqate, we’re seeing more and more merchants frustrated by the limitations of tools like Google’s, which often miss critical details such as sub-premise level accuracy and reliable global data. We hear this over and over from customers who have made the switch to Loqate after struggling with delivery failures and formatting issues caused by incomplete address data. 
Our solution goes further. We ensure address data is captured, validated, and correctly formatted, helping delivery companies reduce failed deliveries and improve customer satisfaction. If you want to know more feel free to check out our integration.