Google Autocomplete suggested shipping addresses are not validated postal addresses

Google Autocomplete suggested shipping addresses are not validated postal addresses

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Google Autocomplete for the shipping address forms in Checkout does not typically suggest the USPS Standardized Postal Address from Google's own Address Validation API.

The autocomplete is a nice feature, but the addresses are not formatted correctly for carriers with proper abbreviations. This is causing problem during shipping label creation.

Example entry:
123 West High Street Ebensburg PA 15931


Expected validated postal address result:
123 W High St Ebensburg PA 15931-1538

From Google API
"postalAddress": {
"regionCode": "US",
"languageCode": "en",
"postalCode": "15931-1538",
"administrativeArea": "PA",
"locality": "Ebensburg",
"addressLines": [
"123 W High St"

Updating the suggestion results to validated postal formatted address should be considered for accuracy. I know there are apps out there that can do this instead, but this one is out-of-box and nearly working already.

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