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When are you going to bring Shopify Payment to Hungary?
Thank you
Hi @orivas,
Thank you for getting in touch and for expressing your interest in using Shopify Payments. The payment gateway's availability has expanded greatly over time, and especially in Europe, with the most recent additions being Czechia, Portugal, and Switzerland in September of this year. We recognize the desire of merchants who wish to use Shopify Payments and my presumption is that our gateway's expansion into new countries and regions is likely to continue in the coming months and years ahead.
While I cannot guarantee that Hungary will be one of those countries or that it may become available there any time soon, our development team do consider merchant demand when looking at where to expand Shopify Payments next and I will be sure to pass your feedback on to them. You can follow the payments section of the Shopify Changelog to track changes to availability for Shopify Payments.
Victor | Social Care @ Shopify
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I have a store that is looking to go international from Hungary and I`m also a Shopify partner who had to advise at least 5 of our clients to move away from Shopify`s platform to go international because of Shopify Payments support missing in our country. It`s clear the desire is there and we need this to continue working with Shopify as a platform and right now this is stopping major retailers from joining.
Exactly, I don't understand why they don't put Shopify Payment in Hungary. I think it's crazy
Hi @Chadyka,
We appreciate this feedback and I understand why not having access to Shopify Payments is a dealbreaker for merchants considering using Shopify in Hungary and other countries where the gateway is not currently available. I will pass your feedback onto our development team for their consideration.
Victor | Social Care @ Shopify
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Hello it would be so nice to have shopify payment in Hungary, some eastern country are available but not Hungary.. when it will be available ? 2023 ?
Hi @jose38,
As mentioned earlier in this thread, Shopify Payments is not available in Hungary at this time and while we have expanded the gateway to other countries at this time, I can't confirm if or when the gateway will come to Hungarian merchants in future. If the gateway does expand to Hungary, this will be posted on our Changelog.
Regardless, thank you for letting us know that you'd like to be able to use the gateway. We do keep track of merchant requests as they help inform us on how we can improve the platform using forward, and I will be sure to pass your feedback on to our development team.
Victor | Social Care @ Shopify
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Hi @Victor! We're looking forward to it too! 🙂 I guess, the Shop channel is connected to that feature, so merchants from here can't sell on these channels until Shopify Payments is implemented. Anyways, the release of that feature will definitely be celebrated with champagne! 😀
Szia Tamás! Ti jelenleg melyik szolgáltatást használjátok a fizetésekhez? Melyiket tudnád ajánlani? Köszi a választ előre is. Üdv.: Roland
Dear @Victor ,
I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to inquire about the development of Shopify Payment in Hungary. As a Shopify user in Hungary, I would love to have access to this feature to streamline my business operations and provide a more seamless checkout experience for my customers.
Could you please let me know if there are any plans in the near future to introduce Shopify Payment in Hungary? I look forward to hearing back from you and thank you for your time.
Best regards
Hi @orivas,
Thank you for this message. At this time, I do not have an update to provide. Your feedback has been submitted to our team and will be considered if our payments team seek to expand the availability of Shopify Payments in the future.
Victor | Social Care @ Shopify
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This has been two years already. It's such a shame. We would like to be available on shop and it's not possible without shopify payments. Like I can understand not rolling out something at the same time everywhere, but it feels like we're left behind just because of the country we're in.
Oui, sincèrement il est temps de le mettre en Hongrie. On est beaucoup à attendre l'ouverture du shopify payement!!
Waiting for the same....
Seriously, guys, can you at least give us a hint for how long will it take to launch Shopify Payment in Hungary?
There are a thousand shop owners waiting for this feature for pretty long now.
Hi @AttilaB,
I do wish I had more information to share with you all but this is currently no timeframe on when Shopify Payments may become available to merchants in Hungary. We receive requests from merchants all over the world who currently do not have access to the gateway and expanding eligibility to other countries is rarely a quick process.
If this change does happen, it will be posted on our changelog.
Victor | Social Care @ Shopify
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Good afternoon Victor,
Can you please provide us with an update on the developments for Shopify Payments in the future for Hungary? Is there a time-frame where we can possibly expect it to be released. Are we looking at this year, perhaps 2024, or even beyond?
Reason for my inquiring is because we are expanding.
We were forced to open a second shop as we are busy expanding to other European countries. Currently we have 1 store for Hungary/Romania with prices in Hungarian Forints and a second store in Euro for our European customers.
This requires us to pay and maintain apps on 2 stores that are identical. Only difference being the currency, yet doubling the cost. Not only that but the integrated QoL available to Shopify Payments would greatly reduce work-time as well as increase efficiency.
I would greatly appreciate a more concrete answer.
If you can't provide me with an answer, I'd like to kindly ask you to escalate the issue. It would be nice to know where we stand and what to expect for the future.
Looking forward to your reply.
Hi @Joekie,
Thank you for expressing your interest in Shopify Payments but I am afraid to say at this time I do not have a timeframe I can share with you with regards to when the gateway may become available in Hungary. This information is only made available to our support team in the period immediately prior to a release, and as such I am not privy to any sort of timetable.
I wish I had more information to share with you but at this time there is no news on when the gateway's availability will be extended to other countries. Your request will be submitted to our development team and if I hear about any updates I will be sure to share them here.
Victor | Social Care @ Shopify
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Hi Victor,
I am checking back on this thread almost on a weekly basis hoping for some good news but unfortunately the answer remains the same. Please feel free to send another nudge to the development team on my behalf.
I understand that you are not privy to information on the timeline but please raise it with the communications team that not having any sort of roadmap or communications around what to expect is also very unfair to your customers. It is paralysing being completely in the dark, we do not even know if Shopify Payments is being considered for Hungary at all? A decision might have been made that it is only on the radar in 2025 for example, or not at all, but not having the slightest idea if this is even a priority is unfair extremely annoying. If localisation is difficult then Shopify could also consider partnering with local payment providers to offer a version of Shopify Payments. I am sure shop owners or potential shop owners in other countries are in the same boat and would appreciate some more transparency.
I am quite sure that if Shopify Payments becomes available in Hungary you will have plenty of new and existing customers making the switch, so in the long term Shopify will definitely benefit from this development. I will be checking back frequently and hoping for some positive news in the near future!
Your comments are welcome and I can understand the frustration at not knowing if or when Shopify Payments will become available in Hungary. The likelihood is no decision has been made yet on whether the gateway will become available in Hungary in the future, and as such no information can be shared while this remains the case. I would like to be able to share assurances with you all but doing so would be disingenious and I do not want to provide false hope on this becoming available.
My recommendation would be to operate your business under the assumption that Shopify Payments is not a gateway that you can use while based in Hungary, and if that changes in future I'll be sure to create a post here so you are notified.
Victor | Social Care @ Shopify
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Dear Viktor,
Shopify payments would be really needed, to be more economically on the daily business. It would be great Christmas gift 🙂 - any news on this matter?
Hey @Orban83.
Thanks for following up on this thread.
At the moment, we do not have any specific time frame to provide to when the Shopify Payments gateway will be available in Hungary. With that being said, I can certainly provide your feedback to our developers and let them know that you are eager to use the gateway!
Let us know if you have any questions.
Ollie | Social Care @ Shopify
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I am joining to the wait-list and a reminder that there are a quite few Shopify stores who are waiting to have Shopify payments.
Any update on that?
Thank you.
Hi, @Hound_Theory.
Thanks for sharing your feedback.
I have shared your feature request with our developers. We do not have any specific time frame to provide to when the Shopify Payments gateway will be available in Hungary. With that being said, If the gateway does expand to Hungary, this will be posted on our Changelog.
Mac | Social Care @ Shopify
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Hi Mac!
May I ask why it's so difficult to solve this issue? Reading the comments I have a feeling that there is demand for this option. Is it because of the forint? What of our shop acceptes only Euro ? Isn't there some kind of law that would bind shopify to offer the same service to all users on the European Union ? Thanks! I am legitimately curious about this issue, since I've been waiting for this feature ever since shop was launched and I received an email inviting me to join the app only to give out that my country was not supported. I love shopify but this sucks and it should not take years to fix it. Please get it done.
Hello Mac,
Any update on this? The wait-list I assume it is expanding. Please let us know there is any progress.
Yeah! We are waiting for response for months now!
Any update on this ? Its been yeeears
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