Accepting credit cards, warehouses, and shipping and fulfilling orders
Is there a way to export, or even an app that can export your shipping data? I'd like to export the size of box I used, the actual weight, and the price I actually paid.
I'm wondering the same thing. I have an issue where I offer a free shipping discount for orders over a certain revenue threshold, but because the customer pays $0.00 for shipping, this is reflecting as a $0 shipping cost to me in the app I use to track profits.
My customers pay dynamic prices pulled directly from USPS and UPS based on their location, so I don't have a flat shipping rate to apply to all orders as an additional expense in my reporting. I need a way to easily export my actual incurred shipping costs for a given order (not just the aggregate shipping invoice).
We'd also love to have the shipping cost data exportable..
Yes, why are there no reports on shipping costs? I want to be able to pull a report on what I'm spending on shipping, as well as my average package cost. I also offer free shipping over a certain amount but that doesn't mean MY shipping is free. Need to be able to keep tabs on my profitability.
Adding my support to this as well -- it'd really help me out to be able to pull the actual shipping cost I paid for "free shipping" orders. I can't get an accurate profit without that number, unless I go order by order which. . .I'm not going to do.
Please please add this!
I agree with the others and frustrated to learn this is data is not easily accessible. i just started using the shopify shipping and this is a very disappointing frustration. I change my process over to Shopping Shipping to make things easier - now I will have to do more back-end work to make sure my accounting/bookkeeping is correct. Please add this report!
Hi @ThankedRapier4 (and everybody else who has taken part in this thread!),
The BeProfit - Profit Tracker app could be exactly what you're looking for.
You'll get a dashboard that lets you track and analyze your profits and expenses including shipping costs, marketing, production, and more (you can manually enter expenses as well).
The app automatically pulls Shopify shipping profiles and even lets you create new shipping profiles and shipping zones for full customizability. You'll also get a full breakdown of how much you paid for shipping and how much the customer paid for shipping for every order. You can watch a short explainer video of how BeProfit tracks shipping costs, here.
While it's extremely useful for tracking shipping costs, BeProfit offers many more advanced features to help make sense of all your shop's data to accurately calculate your bottom line.
You can use BeProfit to:
Try BeProfit and let us know if you find it helpful. Plus, if you have any suggestions on how we can improve the app, we're always happy to get feedback!
I'm adding my agreement on needing this report in a much more detailed and concise way for accounting purposes. You can't even pull it in the upgraded version with custom reports.
The only real work-around I've found (after working closely with a Shopify rep for other solutions for a few weeks, looking at paid apps, etc) is to download all my bills for the period and enter the shipping costs into an excel spreadsheet, and generate totals and averages that way. Cumbersome but at least we can track it. Seems crazy though and a waste of my time since obviously the numbers are there, we just need a report.
FYI I learned this yesterday from a long chat exchange with a Shopify rep:
From your owner account, you can go to Settings --> Billing --> View Finance Overview (at bottom) to get a generalized shipping cost total for whatever time period you'd like. Ok good.
BUT I also learned - and feel this is potentially a HUGE issue with transparency on Shopify's part - that any additional/secondary shipping charges (such as dimensional weight adjustments, returned packages fees, and address adjustment/change fees) also just get lumped into this one "Shipping Fees" category and there is no other way to find or view those additional charges except by looking back into past individual orders to check their Timeline feeds. How can anyone be expected to do that? How do I know I'm being charged appropriately and where I need to make adjustments to my own shipping process in the future?
That is totally unacceptable and I encourage others to contact Shopify and make some noise about this.
A simple fix, if Shopify is not willing or able to provide comprehensive bills, is that the carriers can send me bills directly for any additional charges so I can evaluate and pay them. We would just pay the initial label cost through Shopify.
Thank you for bringing this up!
I was just checking my billing info and can't believe that I can't see details on voided labels and other adjustments!
I am truly concerned now about the voided labels whether I am getting a refund for them as the billing is not showing any of that, just billing twice for the same order.
I hope Shopify would fix this soon.
Ive reached out extensively. They don't care. They say you have to hire an expert. The fact they can't produce a viable report where they have taken your money on a daily basis is horrible business. I'm switching platforms based on this alone after almost 5 years with Shopify.
We're going through the same laborious process right now. Ideally we could enter a shipping cost when fulfilling an order in Shopify, since rates fluctuate daily between our suppliers and we charge a flat shipping rate (based on product type) on the order. Although it all (hopefully) averages out, this is really what I would feel most comfortable with for an accurate P&L.
Here's the workaround I came up with -- and part of me dislikes how resourceful we are as entrepreneurs, because that means we will find a way when Shopify is lacking features and solutions they should really have. The reporting, for instance, is terrible!
There's an app in the Shopify app store called ReportPundit. I'm squeamish about giving my data to 3rd party apps, but Shopify is too worthless in the reporting area that I am just biting the bullet. Using the app, you can create the reports you wish Shopify offered.
I created a report with the following fields:
The key here is the "shipping label amount (created)" field, which shows the price you paid for the shipping label.
I'm finding a lot of uses for the app.
Their support chat is also really helpful and will create reports for you if you tell them what you're looking for.
This is really helpful. I hadn't found Report Pundit yet, but I think it does give me the report that I need. I hate that you have to pay for the app add on, but probably worth it since Shopify won't give us the report we need.
Thank you!
I'm not excited to rely on / pay for a 3rd party app either, especially when it seems like something Shopify should have built in. (note there is a 14 day trial)
I've justified ReportPundit because I am now using multiple really helpful reports:
Thank you for sharing this. I'm sitting down to do taxes and have just discovered that Shopify reporting doesn't show the cost of labels printed. I'll look into the app you suggested. I will also give Shopify reps a call to make some (polite) noise.
I just spoke with Shopify support, and they figured out a way to get the info:
1. go to Settings > Billing
2. Choose the bill you need
3. Click Shipping - It should show a number of "items", which are the shipping charges.
4. You can export each month as a CSV.
Not as neat and tidy as a single report, but not crazy either.
Hope that helps.
I'm right there with you @alexstonehouse1. It's a workaround for something that I thought would be a standard part of the reports Shopify creates. But it's definitely not scaleable. And don't even get me started on the adjusted shipping charges. I'm sure there's a way to report it all simply and accurately. I'll post an update here if I find it. Best of luck to you.
Seems that the shipping and payout are in the order information, why don't they appear in the export of the orders. I do fulfillment for myself and others and need costs allocated by order. This in addition to obvious need for allocating fees and shipping for tax accounting purposes. This seems worse than paypal, I thought that was impossible.
I love this workaround.
Are there any other dropshippers out there using their supplier's carrier accounts like us?
In this case, our supplier emails us with an invoice for each order with total charged including the shipping price charged. In this case, what we are actually looking for is a way to tracking shipping charges per order. Our current process includes adding a comment on the order of the shipping price charged for our monthly P&L, but this is becoming more of an accounting burden and not scalable as we grow to a few hundred orders per month.
If I am alone in this fulfillment challenge that I will accept my fate and look for custom solutions, but hoping that is not the case!
Thanks, stay safe everyone.
this report doesn't show the order number so you can't even do a vlookup to update your shipping costs per order.
As an eCommerce company, we use ShipStation for all of our shipping needs. With ShipStation we can easily supply customers with immediate shipping information and keep our ship team on track. What do we like best about ShipStation? Check them out:
*ShipStation ties in well with our Shopify account.
*The wide variety of shipping company’s allow us to ship internationally and within the US.
*Daily reports allow the ship team and management team to view Pending and Current Orders, Orders waiting to ship, Orders shipped, Stores from Orders shipped, and more.
*We operate our own online store as well as a store on Amazon and eBay seamlessly with ShipStation.
*ShipStation works on all platforms — PC, mobile devices, etc.
*Monitor inventory levels.
*Easily communicate with customers on their orders and shipments.
*Generate automatic communications with the Ship team and customers.
*Adding and changing products with ShipStation is not hard.
*Shipping labels print easily.
*API functions and procedures work well across operating systems and applications.
*There are all kinds of training videos for ShipStation online.
How is this not a report included with Shopify. @Shopify, please step your game up to allow us to run our business like a business without having to give data to 3rd parties.
@Shopify This is a basic report needed by all. please provide a response as to when you will include this... is it part of shopify 2.0?
This is a basic report needed by all. please provide a response as to when you will include this... is it part of shopify 2.0?
Easy Reports now supports exporting this data now as well.
The devs have been supportive in helping to solve the issue created by the data not being presented by Shopify.
Just had to troubleshoot this for my taxes. Easiest way that I did it is to go to:
> Finances
> Billing
> Select the billing statement/cycle that applies to your search. (For me, I selected each month of the year I wanted to run a report on so I could get a whole year snapshot.)
> Export CSV File (top right)
From there you will sort by "Shipping" and then just do a simple excel equation to add up everything you spent on shipping.
Obviously not as simple as having Shopify pull this report automatically but this whole process only took me a few minutes and does not require any third parties.
I am pretty tech inept LoL but in my fumbling around I discovered an easy way to generate the report.
go to:
- Billing
- View all billing history
- In the upper right click on Export CSV
- You then have the option of choosing dates. Chose Jan 1 - Dec 31.
- You will then have to sum the shipping expenses column,
The report also includes fees for apps used for shipping like Boxify and Amazon Integration Plus.
Hope this helps. Amazon support had no idea.
@Shopify has this been resolved yet? Still need this built into reports so that I can properly (and easily) review true profit margins per order.
Under the Admin homepage: go to Finances > Billing.
Under Recent Bills, click "View all Billing History"
Now the key is to Export to CSV File at the top.
Click Bill by Date > Export Bills.
Once you have the Excel file open, it will break down all charges by Shipping, Apps, etc. and you can view the report as needed for Accounting.
Hey Everyone,
We just launched two new reports for Shopify Shipping labels that might also help you:
1. Shipping Labels
2. Shipping Labels Over Time
You can now see and export your shipping label costs per order along with other metrics such as average label costs over time.
The bills are always most accurate for any financial reconciliations, but these reports will give you a quick, high level overview of your costs and how they might change over time.
Thanks for all the great feedback!
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Thank you @BjornD for letting us know. This is very helpful! Can we please have one more useful filter? I see we can filter the table for origin zip code, origin country, but it would be best to have the actual Shopify Shipping Location! This makes it easy to pull all the postage used for a specific fulfillment location. If the zipcode is already in there, hopefully isn't too hard to add in the origin name (the Shopify location name)
This is great feedback, thanks @joshroban! I've passed it along to the team that's responsible for these filters and views.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Do the new reports not include shipping cost fulfilled by 3th-party app such as ShipStation? I mainly use ShipStation to fulfill orders, and I don't see Shipping Labels or Shipping Labels Over Time reports. I also don't see shipping cost in the billing history CSV files.
If this is the case, how can I extract shipping cost per order or see the overall shipping costs on Shopify?
These tools are great, but I wished it included the total weight of just the products in the box.
I'm beginning to use a new shipping service that is based on weight, and knowing this would give me a better idea of the range of product weights that would fit the service used. For example, there is a flat fee for packages under 0.5 lbs, but I need to know if a product weight of 0.4 lbs should be the maximum weight for this service.
Sometimes the box weight can be wrong due to the size of the product and the amount of packing material used.
Not an idea solution perhaps, but in Shopify you can generate a "Package Sent" report which shows you most of what's being asked here: cost of the shipping, package type etc. Let me know if you'd like more info.
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