How can I print selected box details on the packing slip?

How can I print selected box details on the packing slip?

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How can I print the box (which is selected when entering shipping label info) on the packing slip?  We use the packing slip during the pick and box process. Without having it on there it makes it hard for the packer to know which box to use.   The box needs to match the shipping label.



Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
36 1 0

Hey Greg,


I agree this is a huge problem! Even us App Developers aren't able to access that information about an order or set it for an order. I went ahead and created an app that enables you to update your Packing Slip to display exactly the information you're asking for. You'll need to upload your item and packaging dimensions and then we'll assign a package to an order based on that and you can see the best packaging at checkout.


Link to our app: 


A short video demo: 



The code snippet discussed to add to your Packing Slip Template:

{% if order.metafields != blank and order.metafields.PLS != blank and order.metafields.PLS.packaging != blank %}
{% for package in order.metafields.PLS.packaging %}
<p>Package Name: {{}}</p>
<p>Length: {{package.length}}</p>
<p>Width: {{package.width}}</p>
<p>Height: {{package.height}}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}


Putting Custom Packaging and Order Inserts back in the Merchant's hands!