Accepting credit cards, warehouses, and shipping and fulfilling orders
Hi There
Does anyone know of any way to add shipping rates through uploading a CSV?
We have a complicated shipping rates matrix from our warehouse and adding them manually takes ages.
If its not something that can be done through an existing module then would be happy to look at getting it custom created by a developer (if that's even possible).
Hi, @Paul66!
Rae from Shopify here. Thanks for reaching out with this question.
At this stage, there isn't a way to import shipping rates to Shopify through a CSV, or in bulk. I know you also mentioned that you are interested in looking at a custom solution for this, however this isn't something that is possible at the moment through any custom set up either. Currently, the only way to add shipping rates to Shopify is by manually creating the rates, following these steps.
It sounds like you have already added these rates to your admin manually, and I understand this has been quite time consuming for you, so I'd really like to share your experience with our teams so that they can see how this is impacting your business. Equally, it would be great if there were a way to import shipping rates through a CSV, so I'm going to pass on this suggestion to our developers so that they can read over your thoughts. Our teams consider these types of requests as they work to build and improve our platform, so we really appreciate receiving this type of feedback.
If our teams add this feature in the future, we will share this update on our changelog and also on our Announcements page to keep our merchants in the loop.
In the meantime though, if you have any details to add regarding this, please let me know and I would be happy to share any further thoughts or suggestions with our teams.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Hi Rae
Thanks for replying. This is probably the single main reason that stops us using Shopify for all our stores (we operate over 150 and only put 5 through Shopify). Seems a very odd thing that it can't be done.
Anyway, thanks for letting me know. We'll stick with what we have for the time being and re-look at this again in the future.
Hi, @Paul66
Thanks so much for getting back to me with these extra details.
I completely understand how beneficial this feature would be for you and your businesses, so hopefully this is something that our teams can look into developing in the future.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please let me know and I'll be glad to help further!
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Hi Team,
We would love to have this functionality as well. Our freight company also provides a complicated rates scale/matrix similar to the aforementioned in this post.
Initial upload and every subsequent change in rates requires significant effort. This feature would be greatly appreciated.
Hi, @mbutts!
Thank you for jumping in and sharing your feedback on this.
I can see how manually updating and adding these rates from your freight company would be time consuming, and I understand this requires extra effort on your end. I'll pass these details along to our teams, as well, so that they're aware of your experience and how it could be improved.
In the meantime though, the best way to add shipping rates is by following the steps outlined here to create either flat rates, calculated rates, or free shipping rates.
If there are any other Community members who would find it beneficial to add shipping rates to Shopify via a CSV file, please reply to me here with your URL and I'll be glad to pass along your suggestion to our teams.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Yes, being able to upload shipping profiles via CSV would be extremely useful. I’m in the process of looking at this, But I already have 6 profiles ( with more to add ) for a number of global regions, with multiple weight bands + other criteria and different shipping parameters. These I can define and calculate in a local database, but then I have to transfer these to the shipping profiles I’m setting up in Shopify Admin.
Doing this manually is not only painful, and is likely very error prone. Going forward updating changes is going to be a headache. The fact that in Shopify I can create shipping profiles with multiple regions and weight bands etc is a good start. The fact that these can not be maintained via some automated process, ie CSV upload is really poor !!
Shopify store
Hi, @savvymarcom!
Thank you for sharing your experience with me. I've added your feedback to our list.
For more information on using APIs, I recommend checking out our Shopify APIs & SDKs discussion board. This is the best place to inquire further about using APIs for tasks like this. In particular, you may find this post helpful.
In the meantime, our document on shipping and fulfilment APIs can be found here.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
I'd also love to see this feature developed. It would make things alot easier! Thanks
Please add feature to upload shipping rates using csv or sheet, Its very time consuming if there too many shipping zones to update.
@Rae I agree, this would be super helpful. As a new shop starting up that has almost 1000 unique items, it is going to take a very long time to setup the shipping for each one. Shipping profiles for bulk items are not an option, since each item is a different size and weight. We've imported our items from Etsy using a CSV, it seems that doing so with the shipping prices should be a very easy add. Has there been any updates on this since it was first posited last year?
Hi, all!
Thank you for continuing to reach out to share your feedback and your specific use cases for requesting this feature.
I've passed along all of your thoughts to our teams already, and will continue to do so for new comments, too. Please note, once I've sent your feedback to our teams, I will 'like' your reply to indicate that it's been submitted on our end.
While we don't have any updates to share on this request currently, if we do have any information to provide in the future, we will post this on our Announcements page, as well as our changelog, so I recommend keeping an eye out there for more details.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Hi @Rae,
If / When the CSV import gets implemented its important that the in the CSV upload the shipping profile can be specified down to product variant level, not just the product as a whole. We have a significant number of products that different variants have to be packed and shipped differently. So the shipping cost varies for each variant. So different variants from the same product go into different shipping profiles.
Also, it may sound obvious, but nothing is obvious until it's stated, a CSV export will also be required, if for no other reason to be able to backup the current shipping setting. Image uploading a few thousand shipping settings via CSV, to discover that you made a mistake, and have no way to go back to your previous settings.
For anyone who needs to add their products to their shipping profiles and doesn't want to do it manually, we created an app to do this for you. It will map your products to the appropriate profile, and can go as granular as your variants.
If you are spending hours updating your shipping rates one by one, Intuitive Shipping may be a good fit for you. When you're updating your flat rates, you can assign % or $ based increases that update all rates within a Scenario (profile).
I hope this helps some of you guys!
Warm regards,
We are also shocked that Shopify doesn't allow a csv import of rates.
If there are any other Community members who would find it beneficial to add shipping rates to Shopify via a CSV file, please reply to me here with your URL and I'll be glad to pass along your suggestion to our teams.
That would be very useful to me. It takes me many hours to update the shipping rates for my site.
Our store needs this feature too!
Please add us to the list requesting this feature!
Shopify's current manual only shipping rate editor is very limited especially for online stores that have multi-national locations and global sales like us:
It would be great to have a feature to bulk edit the shipping rates or import/export them into CSV files.
For anyone needing to import their shipping rates from csv, checkout:
Hey MButts, not sure if you still need it, but we did this app for csv shipping rate importing:
Well it's been about a year and this feature is still not available. If this feature is not something shopify wants to spend time on we as mega users should be told so we can make arrangements. I don't want to say I've waited a year but I've waited a more than 3 years, you can see here
Thanks Shopify for listening to us,
Signed your Bread and Butter.
+1 here.
its gonna be painful to input all my shipping regions and rates manually....
It blows my mind that CSV import of shipping rates is not supported. C'mon Shopify product managers. This is table-stakes stuff. Have any of you dog-fooded your own product and tried to enter a complex weight-based shipping matrix for international shipping? Absurd.
Yeah, this would be so much easier. I have that many products I have someone change the rates for me, I would do it if it was so much easier and not so much time-consuming.
Any update to when this feature will be available?? The sooner the better!!
Reading through this thread of over a year's worth of comments I felt some disappointment seeing no resolution.
Shipping rate .CSV import/export would be very helpful, and valuable to shopify.
Lately we are having to update and maintain this table more frequently as we are getting a barrage of pricing updates. Setting the table up in 250g increments up to 4Kg to make it somewhat manageable. But to add to the inability of uploading a csv file and being done with it, we have to also deal with the absolutely crazy way it stores /sorts entries. It seems you have to start at the high sizes first then go down else you get a crazy order like the following:
Storing the order correctly or being able to move them about would be useful.
A CSV file import would be a great improvement.
A formula to add based on weight would be perfection (per item + per Kg or g as most shipping couriers price in that manner) and a ceiling max which would make it add another parcel for products that can be split - ie add another per item charge after that threshold.
The current method is very error prone and the crazy ordering it's doing makes it unmaintainable.
Hi, all!
I appreciate you continuing to share feedback on this, and have submitted all of your thoughts directly to our teams.
If any other Community members would like to also request this, please feel free to reply in this topic with your use case, as well as your URL, so I can pass your suggestions along, too.
@HaydenJacks, we don't currently have an update on when, or if, this feature will exist. However, if we have any details to share in the future, we'll post these on our changelog, and our Announcements page.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
This would be very helpful for us as well, as we have over 90,000 SKUs that we need to manage. Some are drop-ship, and some are seller fulfilled, so our shipping matrix can be very complex.
This would also be extremely useful, quite shocked to find that it isn't currently possible.
Our existing Magento store that we're migrating from has over 27,000 individual rules, generated from a custom google Docs spreadsheet containing info sent by the shipping companies (usually in extremely unhelpful formats that can't be automated), that are set up to calculate pricing using two shipping companies and offers fine-grained control over different countries and regions and product types, along with an automated script that we can use to see how the prices are applied to a selection of preset typical carts. This would obviously be unfeasible to replicate+update manually in Shopify.
Compiling these price rates is already a big undertaking for several staff members, with lots of potential for error even with our currently semi-automatic-import workflow. One of the big draws of Shopify was that tasks like this would require less time and involvement from multiple staff members, but from reading this it seems that it might actually be worse!
Considerable work and training has also gone into this semi-automated system and so I'm not thrilled that this may need to be thrown away -- a simple CSV import/export feature, or even an API, would save us many many hours during setup and going forward.
As best I can tell, moving to Shopify will require us to pay extra monthly fees for multiple integrated shipping rates apps to get accurate quotes -- or to devise a shipping price structure that could see us either taking losses on shipping for big parcels to difficult destinations, or losing sales by overcharging for smaller parcels.
Especially with COVID, we are finding that shipping rates are changing frequently and are getting increasingly specific as different countries/regions face different difficulties -- receiving multiple ad-hoc notifications of eg '5% increase on all shipping in country Z from region B'.
Hope there's some news on this soon. Our store is
Yes, please create the ability to bulk upload exact shipping costs to Shopify.
Please add me to the list of members requesting this request.
Multiple countries + multiple shipping values + 100+products = nightmare to maintain if the shipping values change.
Hi, @BGAH_Keith!
I appreciate you following up on this.
I wish I had more details to share with you, but at this time, we're still collecting feedback on this feature request. If we have any updates on this in the future, we'll post these on our changelog and on our Updates blog, so I recommend keeping an eye out there.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Hi Rae,
Any update on getting this implemented yet?
Probably isn't going to happen @BGAH_Keith, there are requests/suggestions going back years and its still pretty much the same system they had when they launched.
I'm doing a migration now and was looking for the way to import via CSV.
When this will be available? We have several country shipping rates to be publish on our website. Its impossible to put all rate one by one. We need CSV file for this.
Hi Purenso,
We are waiting for Shopify to approve our new app, hopefully, this will be done in the coming days. I will reply again to this post when it's published and live.
You can already see how the app works through our new youtube channel
Hi All,
Good news, our app - Toolify Shipping Rate Manager, is now live on the Shopify App store 🙂
Errata the link given by EcomSpecialist expired, the app is now at:
+1000 here... we're holding up kicking off a big sale (as well as my Thanksgiving prep) because I've spent ALL DAY inputting shipping rates. I can't believe this isn't available.
We've implemented something like this for clients in a custom app before, including an in-browser spreadsheet editor and support for multiple Shopify shipping zones. The problem is generally different companies will have different formats / rules around shipping so rather than a singular CSV->shipping feature it's necessarily going to include somewhat complex features and logic for translating the CSV into shipping rates.
Anyone who would like to beta test a "CSV shipping rate" type app, let us know / shoot an email to If there's some interest and commonality of feature requirements we'd be happy to put something together.
Your right in that different companies have different format / rules around shipping. This is exactly the reason why we need a CSV upload. No one App is going to be able to model the range of different shipping rule scenarios that meet everyone requirements. However, most people can boil their shipping costs down to a single line per product variant for specific destinations, and as a result, can translate to into a line in a CSV file.
Shopify seems pretty happy to take an enormous number of subscriptions but actually do very little to improve the basic functionality of the platform. They are very keen to promote ever more enhancements to the App interface because they make money out of selling Apps. But most Shopify clients do not have available the time, effort or resources to get into the building and maintaining of Apps.
Really basic functionality like a shipping CSV upload, or full complete backup and restore, covering products, theme, collections, customers, pages, orders etc etc etc are things you would expect a platform like Shopify to provide as basic but are sadly missing, and yes there are backup Apps, and no they are not very good!!
Is Shopify actually going to do anything about the CSV upload? or are they going to just sit there and ignore the needs of a large number of fee-paying subscribers.
And by the way, while they are at it provide a comprehensive backup and restore capability.
Such things are fundamentals for any IT system, a real update in this issue would be appreciated.
I would really like to see something like this too. I have hundreds of individual shipping rates across dozens of countries and weight bands, and manually uploading these rates would take ages. Not to mention the room for human error.
There must be a way to import and export shipping rates via CSV.
So we started work on an app that will allow you to edit your delivery profiles with a CSV/spreadsheet style interface. We're working on importing/creating new rates as the next feature. If anyone is interested in trying out as a beta tester, ping us at Thanks!
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