How can I view the cost of shipping to an address before checkout

How can I view the cost of shipping to an address before checkout

5 0 1



We have a lot of customers call in to our office asking for quotes on products. The issue is everything being done through the site, to work out the cost of shipping we have to go through the checkout procedure ourselves and add the address. This is too lengthy while on the phone, most of our shipping rules are per country, is there a way or an app that can show us admin the cost of shipping quickly by just selecting the products and adding a country to ship to?

Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
274 28 41

We might be able help you if we manage to replicate your existing shipping rules in our app, JsRates ( Our app has a feature where you can select a product and enter the delivery address detail and generate the shipping rates - from inside your store admin. If you are keen, please contact us on to discuss your existing shipping rules and on how to use our app.

Founder @ JsRates: Custom Shipping Rates
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21 0 4


I completely understand the challenge @Evolve , and the solution provided is a great option @YOD_Solutions . However, I’d also recommend encouraging your customers to visit your website and check the shipping rates themselves at the checkout page. This approach has several benefits:

  • Customers can view the shipping rates based on their location and chosen products.
  • It streamlines the process, allowing them to proceed with placing an order immediately.
  • It drives more traffic to your website, increasing engagement and potential conversions.
  • Customers can provide feedback on the checkout experience, helping you refine and improve the process.

This not only makes it easier for your customers but also enhances your store’s visibility and overall shopping experience.

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That's what we have to do currently, but making a person do that while on the phone doesn't work, sometimes they are calling on mobiles, and doing it ourselves is limited as the checkout only allows a certain amount of addresses before you have to start deleting old ones.

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Thankyou for the message, we are looking for a standalone simple interface that the sales team can use rather than have to go through those steps if possible