How do I display all shipping methods at checkout?

How do I display all shipping methods at checkout?

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Could i please have assistance on getting all of my shipping methods to display at checkout

Replies 3 (3)

New Member
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Hello, Yes I really am not sure what’s going on. The on platform I’m using is Shopify. I recently added Printify but I was having this problem prior to adding Printify. All in all I have 10 methods of shipping and only two of them shows up, which is USPS only. USPS priority mail and USPS Express are the ones that’s optional. The options that should be available should be 5 methods of USPS and 5 methods of UPS. Just for information I have the original general shipping profile and then a second profile that was custom created name All Products, as the All Products profile is the one I’m attempting to work under!
Key Wheeler

Shopify Partner
408 25 72

Are all the rates added to all of your shipping profiles and all of your zones within every shipping profile ?

Automate & bulk assign products to shipping profile: Auto Shipping Profiles: Shipr
Calculate accurate shipping rates: Shipping Calculator: ShipMagic
Hide, rename, reorder payment methods at checkout: Payment Customization: PayMix
New Member
4 0 0

Actually I do not! So one of the profiles have rates and zones for my products that are inventory base stored at warehouse and the other profile is a POD profile with printfy and printful rates and zone created by their apps integration with shopify!