How to apply free shipping for orders over $99 before LoyaltyLion discount?

How to apply free shipping for orders over $99 before LoyaltyLion discount?

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Hi, how do I set up a shipping discount based on the original amount of the order before the LoyaltyLion discount reward code is applied.  Our website says orders over $99 are free shipping.  We want to have any customers who purchase an item over $99 but use a LoyaltyLion voucher to pay for the order still get free shipping if the order was over $99 before the discount voucher was applied.  We set our shipping to free over $99.  As Shopify will not let you use two discount codes I cannot set up another discount code because the customer will use the LoyaltyLion discount code and that is the only one they can enter.  If I try to combine discount codes the LoyaltyLion discount codes all come through singularly so that would be a lot of manual entry to fix them all.  Any suggestions?

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