How to handle rental deposit (for up to 3 months)

How to handle rental deposit (for up to 3 months)

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Hello everyone!

I run a rental business and am planning to open a Shopify store to allow customers to rent my equipment online. My rental periods range from weeks to months. I need a way to handle charges for potential theft or damage to the equipment.

Here’s what I’m looking for:

- Customers should be charged the rental fee at the time of placing their order.

- I need the ability to charge additional fees later if needed (e.g., up to three months after the rental period).


So far, the only solution I’ve found is using the third-party service Swikly, where customers enter their credit card information after ordering from my Shopify store, and I can release or charge a deposit via their dashboard a few months after. However, I’d prefer to manage this process directly within Shopify.

I looked into pre-authorization, but Shopify’s limit of 7–14 days for holding funds makes it unsuitable for my needs.

Do you have any suggestions for solutions or apps that could work for this use case?

Is there any way to save the payment method used for the initial order and charge it after a few months?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
27 0 2

There are a few different ways to handle this, it depends on whether you are looking for it as a security measure against theft, or as a means to charge additional fees for damage/late returns etc. 


Happy to jump on a call and understand the requirements in a little more detail.

Best bet is to book a demo on the website.



Co-Founder of Supercycle - enable circular commerce, such as rental and resale, natively on Shopify.